关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,"said the teacher angrily.A.would B.shall C.might D.need

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:34:14
关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,
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关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,"said the teacher angrily.A.would B.shall C.might D.need
“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,"said the teacher angrily.
A.would B.shall C.might D.need

关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,"said the teacher angrily.A.would B.shall C.might D.need
shall 和第二人称,第三人称连用时,表许诺,或者强制性的要求,命令

关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,said the teacher angrily.A.would B.shall C.might D.need be动词与情态动词的区别? 关于情态动词的用法 关于 can may 情态动词的用法 情态动词后面加原形any不是动词原形吗May I ask you _____ questions about your schoolA.any B.some像这题应该怎么解释? 关于情态动词后跟原型的问题老师讲,情态动词后跟原型 如:i will be there.you must be crazy .我的问题是:情态动词后跟原型是在情态动词后的一个词要变原型还是在整个句中所有词都要原型. 关于情态动词的用法You _____ be tired; you have been working for so long a time,but he _____ be tired; he has just begun to work.A.may not; must B.must; may notC.can’t; must D.must; can’t我选的是B 但是 我知道的是can 表示逻 be to 情态动词的用法 you had better be careful.had better 的词性是情态动词,be careful词性是名词,情态动词后可以跟名词吗? 关于英语的情态动词的用法 预备英语题目_____ you ____________ (fly) a kite? Yes, ____________. (不知道,是用情态动词can,还是be动词,are?) 一个句子的分析(关于情态动词)should you be fired,your health care and other benefits will not be cut off.我想知道这里的should是什么意思,前面的 should you be fired又是什么用法呢? 副词放在情态动词前面了冰雪奇缘的歌词中有句you always have to be,不是说副词不能放在情态动词前 Just be patient.You ____expect the world to change so soon应该填什么情态动词?情态动词有些时候真的很难诶.A cantBneedn'tCmay notDwill not 牛津小学英语1~6年级的be动词、情态动词和现在分词be动词情态动词现在分词 that man _____ be the headmaster ,because he always stands here at this time.(填适当的情态动词) Will you answer the phone?It could be your mother.怎么分析这个句子的成分?特别是could be情态动词后面+be是什么意思?He must be over sixty now.也是情态动词+be -I ____ find my pen._____ you help me?- .Yes,I ---,I think it ___ be in one of your pockets.填入情态动词 关于情态动词maybe it _____ be better to advise then to give up the new plan.a.will b.would为什么不能用a?