
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:58:01
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vt.1.放下,放置;寄存[O] 2.使沉淀;使沉积 3.把(钱)储存,存放(银行等)[(+in...
n.1.存款 2.保证金;押金;定金[S1] 3.沉淀物;矿床 4.堆积;沉淀

deposit 1
/ dɪˈpɔzɪt; dɪˋpɑzɪt/ v [Tn,]
(a) put (money) into a bank, esp to earn interest, etc 将(钱)存入银行: The cheque was only deposited yesterday, so it ...


deposit 1
/ dɪˈpɔzɪt; dɪˋpɑzɪt/ v [Tn,]
(a) put (money) into a bank, esp to earn interest, etc 将(钱)存入银行: The cheque was only deposited yesterday, so it hasn't been cleared yet. 这张支票昨天才存入银行, 所以尚未兑现. (b) ~ sth (with sb) give (sth valuable or important) to sb to be kept in a safe place 将(有价值的或重要之物)交与某人保管: deposit papers with one's lawyer 将文件交与律师保管.
(a) pay (sth) as part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 付(定金): I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house. 我必须先付房价的10%作定钱. (b) pay (a sum) as a guarantee in case one damages or loses sth one is renting 付(押金): You must deposit 500 as well as the first month's rent. 你必须付500英镑押金及第一个月的租赁费.
~ sth (on sth) (fml 文) (a) lay or put sth down 放下某物: He deposited the books on the desk. 他把书放在办公桌上了. * Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上. (b) (esp of liquids or a river) cause (mud, silt, etc) to settle (尤指液体﹑ 河流)使(淤泥等)沉积: The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them. 尼罗河泛滥, 在田野上淤积一层泥. deposit 2
/ dɪˈpɔzɪt; dɪˋpɑzɪt/ n
[C] sum paid into an account, eg at a bank 存款: a 10 deposit 10英镑的存款 * She made two deposits of 500 last month. 她上月存了两笔500英镑的款.
[C] ~ (on sth) (a) payment of a part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 定金; 定钱: The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit. 商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货. (b) sum that sb pays in advance, in case he damages or loses sth he is renting 押金; 保证金: I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house. 我得付给房东500英镑押金才能搬进房里去.
[C, U] (a) layer of matter laid down by a liquid, river, etc (液体﹑ 河流等的)沉积物: A thick deposit of mud lay on the fields when the flood went down. 洪水退後, 田野上留下一层厚泥. (b) layer of matter (often deep in the earth) that has accumulated naturally (常为在地层深处的)沉积物, 矿床: Valuable deposits of oil have been found by drilling. 通过钻探发现很有开采价值的油层.
(idm 习语) on de`posit in a deposit account 在定期存款帐户中: have 2000 on deposit 有2000英镑定期存款.
# de`posit account type of account, usu at a bank, in which money earns interest but cannot be taken out unless the bank is warned in advance 定期存款帐户. Cf 参看 current account (current1), savings account (saving).
