
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:03:11
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亚洲柑桔木虱和绣线菊蚜在沙田柚上都为韧皮部取食性昆虫,然而,两种昆虫的取食行为有明显差异,除了两种昆虫拥有共同的EPG波形(A波、B波、C波、E1波、E2波、G波)外,绣线菊蚜在路径波中出现很多pd波,pd 波是蚜虫在植物表皮层细胞的试探性取食时刺破细胞膜而产生的,这种对胞内信息的接触在蚜虫选择宿主植物的过程中起了重要作用.因为蚜虫的下唇和口针上并无化学感受器,因此需要吸入植物细胞汁液由咽部味觉器官去感受和区分.而在亚洲柑桔木虱整个取食过程中pd波并未出现,从此点推测亚洲柑桔木虱下唇和口针上有发达的化学感受器.蚜虫在吸入植物汁液的过程中病毒粒子和辅蛋白同时也被吸入,从而完成获毒过程,这也支持了田间蚜虫是柑桔衰退病等非持久性病害传播介体,而柑桔黄龙病是由韧皮部限制性细菌类引起,病原体主要存在于韧皮部中,木虱只有通过在病株韧皮部取食,病原在体内完成循回到唾液腺中,在下一次取食过程中通过在筛管中分泌的唾液将病原体带到健树,柑桔黄龙病与蚜虫传病特点不同,黄龙病为持久性病害.现有研究只发现柑桔木虱是黄龙病的传播介体,而大量实验表明蚜虫等其他刺吸式口器并不能传播黄龙病.许长藩,李开本,等,(1985)报道了在“带毒”木虱唾液腺中发现病原体的存在.本实验结果表明,柑桔木虱与绣线菊蚜在韧皮部中行为相似,都有E1波即分泌唾液波和E2波即在韧皮部吸食波,但是绣线菊蚜在6h取食记录中只有30s的韧皮部唾液分泌时间,其不能传播黄龙病的原因可能与绣线菊蚜唾液分泌量以及病原在体内循回有关.

Asian citrus psyllids and in the Citrus Aphis citricola both the phloem feeding insects,but insect feeding behavior of two significant differences,in addition to two kinds of insects share a common EPG wave (A wave,B wave,C wave,E1 wave,E2 wave,G wave),the wave of Aphis citricola appeared in the path of many pd wave,pd wave is aphids in plant cells in the epidermis during exploratory puncture the cell membrane caused by feeding,which kind of contact information on the intracellular selection in the aphid host plant play an important role in the process.Because the aphids on the lower lip and no chemoreceptor stylet,the sap of plant cells need to be inhaled by the throat to feel and distinguish the taste organs.Asian citrus psyllids in the feeding process pd wave does not appear,from this point speculate Asian citrus psyllids lower lip and stylet have developed chemical receptors.Aphids in the process of inhaling plant sap virus particles and auxiliary proteins also be inhaled,thus completing the process by poison,which also supports the field citrus aphid is non-persistent decline disease vector of disease,while the citrus Huanglongbing is phloem restricted by the bacteria caused the main pathogens present in the phloem,the fleas only by phloem feeding in diseased plants,pathogens in the body through the back to complete the salivary glands in the course of the next through the sieve tube feeding in the secretion of saliva the pathogens into the healthy tree,Citrus Huanglongbing different characteristics with aphid-borne diseases,Huanglongbing to persistent disease.The current study found only citrus psylla is the vector of Huanglongbing,while a large number of experiments show that aphids and other sucking mouthparts and can not spread Huanglongbing.Xuchang Fan,Li formats,etc.,(1985) reported in the "infected" fleas found in the salivary glands the presence of pathogens.The experimental results show that citrus psylla and Aphis citricola similar acts in the phloem,there are waves that E1 and E2 salivation wave wave wave that is taking in the phloem,but Spiraea aphid feeding records only in 6h 30s phloem salivation time,it can not spread the disease might be related Huanglong Spiraea aphid saliva secretion and related pathogens in the body through the back.