托福口语第一题的段子 1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.2.孩子入学,应该给他什么建议

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:51:47
托福口语第一题的段子 1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.2.孩子入学,应该给他什么建议
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托福口语第一题的段子 1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.2.孩子入学,应该给他什么建议
1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.

托福口语第一题的段子 1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.2.孩子入学,应该给他什么建议
I am deeply impressed that when i was a junior high school student, our teacher asked me to make a presentation in front of the class. However, I am a quite introvert person who was not willing to talk openly. So I asked two of my best friends for help. They listened to my speech, gave me lots of suggestions, and also cheered me up. So when the day finally came, I was not afraid at all. I owed the success to my friends.
Well, as far as i am concerned, the most important tip given to a child is to stimulate his interests in study. When I was young, I found the school life very boring, not as interesting as playing in a garden. I even did not feel like taking classes at all. My parents soon noticed that, so one day they told me that I was not forced to learn, but should regard study as a happy task. I think that this is also a useful tip for all the students.

托福口语第一题的段子 1 .Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help,and explain how he or she helped you.2.孩子入学,应该给他什么建议 帮忙帮我写一个托福口语第一题的段子吧!我要一个关于朋友的 describe a person whom you often time with...最好是有个故事什么的 实在不敢用自己写的> 托福口语第四题,听力段子example要怎样概述!?阅读段子没问题,但是听力段子给出的example有时很长,而且我知道说的时候要以听力段子为主,但是概括能力比较差啊,有经验的大牛给我点建议啊!?! 托福口语的学术长段子会听不懂,说的时候不知道该说什么,时间不多了,怎么才能尽量多拿点分?如题~ 托福口语第一题 如下的这个段子大概能拿几分?对于一二题又有什么建议?One of the my favorite book is called A Brief History of Time,written by Stephen Hawking who is a physicist.Firstly,the book is informative.It shows every 帮忙写个托福口语第一题段子,如果你去饭店或咖啡屋,你总注意哪些特征,为什么?就从 环境 口味和服务态度 这3个方面 帮我写个英语段子吧,我语法不好,时间紧迫, 考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,JOB/ VOLUNTEER ----- A lifeguard on the beach如题 你想要做一个什么工作?用海边救生员来展开话题 新托福口语第一第二题有题库吗? 托福口语段子用英语1 描述一个纪念活动或社会活动 2 描述一下未来十年的变化在之前的回答看到说你有考过,想必有经验,所以麻烦啦2 描述一下未来十年的变化 帮我写这个英语段子就好,第 我的托福口语部分是相对比较薄弱的,请问托福口语第一部分题目应该如何准备呢? 托福的口语有几道题? 这个托福口语第一题段子能得多少分?describe several ways to reduce air pollutionAs to me,there are some suggestions I'd like to mention to reduceair pollution.First of all,reducing the origin of the air pollutant.To be moreexact,disposi 托福口语第1 2 题怎么准备?托福口语第1 2 题怎么准备? 成都考过托福的大神 请问托福口语 1 2题 准备的时候难吗 托福口语3-6题和写作第一部分怎么准备啊.我还有1周了.我口语底子很好,但是我看了og上说的那种又听又看的题目出法就发虚,我之前雅思雅思口语写作都是5.5.1 口语听力相加我能得35分吗?(裸 新托福 听力 长对话 如何提高?如题 我觉得 长段子的提高方法很简单 就是背单词和段子听写但是长对话怎么办呢?感觉还是不知道有什么好办法 托福口语黄金80题 托福口语应该怎么样跟读?内容简介:解决办法用自己听写过的段子,将里面出现过的音的变化全部标记出来.跟读这个段子,尽力模仿里面的语音语调,语速由慢到快,将所有出现的高级语音知识