OG的阅读题,OG1 Section2(P395) 20题Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage 1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?A.Her mouth B.Her hairC.Her noseD.Her chinE.Her profile

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:47:56
OG的阅读题,OG1 Section2(P395) 20题Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage 1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?A.Her mouth B.Her hairC.Her noseD.Her chinE.Her profile
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OG的阅读题,OG1 Section2(P395) 20题Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage 1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?A.Her mouth B.Her hairC.Her noseD.Her chinE.Her profile
Section2(P395) 20题
Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage
1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?
A.Her mouth
B.Her hair
C.Her nose
D.Her chin
E.Her profile

OG的阅读题,OG1 Section2(P395) 20题Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage 1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?A.Her mouth B.Her hairC.Her noseD.Her chinE.Her profile
先审题.问我们passage 1的作者最可能在passage2的清单上加什么,那么观点一定要出自passage1.
再来看文章.Passage 1的最后一句话,暗示着下文要谈论那个著名的微笑,整篇passage 1谈到的蒙娜丽莎都在谈画技,谈面部表情时只谈到了that famous smile,并且要另起一段,说明作者很看重smile.
再找到passage 2的list一处.第32行:her eyes,her hands...只提到这两处,没有提passage 1里的smile.

OG的阅读题,OG1 Section2(P395) 20题Which of Mona Lisa's features would the author of Passage 1 most likely adda to those mentioned in Passage 2,line 32?A.Her mouth B.Her hairC.Her noseD.Her chinE.Her profile OG SAT 中的test1中的section2的那篇长阅读的中18题为什么选C啊? 为什么tpo19阅读的section2少一道题,23题,有人知道是什么题吗 SAT OG数学第二套,section2,第15题,P456怎么也想不出来了,跪求各位! sat OG的717页section 4的第17题,关于3d figure的segment的那个,这个题怎么翻译/理解,那个答案是怎么出来的?sat OG的641页section2里的第11题,就是自行车前后轮的那个,我明白题的意思,但是那个how many revo 新目标九年级英语24页section2阅读的翻译.急···快 请问,超级机器人大战OG的OG是什么意思?如题 SAT OG八套题 阅读 谁知道哪里有OG上的SAT阅读的翻译, 请问谁有旧版SAT OG的的阅读解析? 托福og中的阅读和TPO有重合的么 谁有SAT OG阅读的全部译文啊!> 已知如图,O为正方形ABCD的中心,BE平分∠DBC,交DC于点E,延长BC到点F,使CF=CE,连接DF,交BE的延长线于点G,连接OG1、判断OG与BF有什么关系,证明你的结论2、若DG²=4-2√2,求正方形ABCD的面积 托福阅读top难度比较?和og?蓝大本 和真题比较呢?最好还有听力的 SAT 阅读选项中 ill-conceived 和 misunderstood有什么区别?例 OG的489页第14题~ TPO23听力section2的conversation第一题和第三题这两题为什么都选B? 新老sat og老og的8套题分别对应新og的第几套题啊 gre og里的题会不会考