一句SAT长难句求解怎么办?Authors who make this their motto,in the name of artistic integrity,can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists,who believed that their first duty was to try

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:02:23
一句SAT长难句求解怎么办?Authors who make this their motto,in the name of artistic integrity,can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists,who believed that their first duty was to try
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一句SAT长难句求解怎么办?Authors who make this their motto,in the name of artistic integrity,can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists,who believed that their first duty was to try
Authors who make this their motto,in the name of artistic integrity,can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists,who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
将此奉为箴言的作家,就(作品)艺术的完整性的层面,很难容忍19 世纪受到评论界赞赏的小说家的态度.(这些小说家认为自己的首要职责是“愉悦读者”,为实现该职责,他们必须把作品“不费吹灰之力”地展示给读者.)
这些小说家相信他们的第一任务是尝试看起来“开心”(我觉得是他们自己开心而不是愉悦读者),并且为了去达到这个任务他们必须.(后面不会翻了,render their meanings不理解)

一句SAT长难句求解怎么办?Authors who make this their motto,in the name of artistic integrity,can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists,who believed that their first duty was to try
首先pleasant这个词的英文释义“affording pleasure 提供愉悦之情”,所以“令人愉悦,愉悦读者”这个是可以肯定的.
nineteenth-century novelists believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,”
and (they believed )that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
render,英文释义有pass down,传递;give or supply,提供之意.

至于后半部分,我重新改写一下顺序,你就懂了“they must render...


至于后半部分,我重新改写一下顺序,你就懂了“they must render their meanings to the reader without an effort”,render sth to sb,向某人解释,翻译某个东西,从这句话去看应该是“小说家应该将他们的意思轻松地传达给他们的读者”。
