一段关于matlab的英文求操作帮助要做matlab的实验,明天写.下面是题目要求,求指导,因为怕没有人回答.选为最佳答案后再给20分.1.1CarrierOpen Matlab.Set up a variable t,to represent time,with a range from 0 to 7.9

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:39:54
一段关于matlab的英文求操作帮助要做matlab的实验,明天写.下面是题目要求,求指导,因为怕没有人回答.选为最佳答案后再给20分.1.1CarrierOpen Matlab.Set up a variable t,to represent time,with a range from 0 to 7.9
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一段关于matlab的英文求操作帮助要做matlab的实验,明天写.下面是题目要求,求指导,因为怕没有人回答.选为最佳答案后再给20分.1.1CarrierOpen Matlab.Set up a variable t,to represent time,with a range from 0 to 7.9
Open Matlab.Set up a variable t,to represent time,with a range from 0 to 7.99 in steps of 0.01.These values are intended to represent time normalised to one bit duration.The time range thus represents a total of 8 bits.(Hint.Use t=0:0.01:7.99)
Now create a carrier signal,by making setting up a function called carrier(t),equal to the sine of 10π times t.Create a simple graph to check that this gives you a sinusoidal waveform with 5 cycles to every bit duration.(i.e.between time 0 and time 1,there should be 5 periods of the waveform).[Hint:Use plot options in matlab to drive a graph at your convenience).Now create your digital data waveform function,data(t),to represent the bit sequence 10110100 using unipolar line coding.You can do this by first setting up a column vector,D,with 8 rows,containing the data bits,and then replicating the components of D in order to obtain a vector D’ of same length as t; hint:since there is 5 cycles per bit duration,so each component of D will be replicated 5 times).
1.2 ASK Modulated wave
Create an ASK modulated waveform function ASK(t),by multiplying together data(t) and carrier(t).[Use matlab array point multiplication “.*”]
Plot graphs showing the digital data waveform and the ASK modulated waveform.
1.3 Square law demodulation
Demodulation of ASK can be carried out using a square law detector.[Hint:Use the formula given in the additional file at webCT.Look at “sum” function in matlab to implement the formula]
Produce a graph showing the square law output.Note that the output has a net positive average value during a ‘1’ bit period,and zero during a ‘0’ output.However,it also contains a high frequency component,because we have not filtered out the carrier harmonic.
In a real system,this would be done using a digital or analogue filter.In this simulation,you can do a crude approximation of this filtering process by taking a moving average over the last n samples,where n is a number you need to choose.Set up a suitable function to generate this average.Try to work out how to do this for yourself,but if you need a hint,look at the hint file on Web CT.If you get an error message saying "index out of bounds" when you do the averaging,redefine the lower limit of t locally so that you avoid negative arguments in the ASK (t) function within the summation.Work out,or do experiments to find,the best value for n.
Create a chart showing your filtered output,and compare this with the original data.
How would you use this filtered output to recreate the original transmitted data?
Filtering in this way is a crude example of digital signal processing,which you will study in greater detail in communications modules later in the course.

一段关于matlab的英文求操作帮助要做matlab的实验,明天写.下面是题目要求,求指导,因为怕没有人回答.选为最佳答案后再给20分.1.1CarrierOpen Matlab.Set up a variable t,to represent time,with a range from 0 to 7.9
打开MATLAB.设置的变量t表示时间,步长为0.01的范围内从0到7.99.这些值用来表示归一化到一个比特周期的时间.因此,该时间范围内的8位表示总.(Hint.使用T = 0:0.01:7.99)
1.2 ASK调制波
在一个实际系统中,这将是使用一个数字或模拟滤波器来完成.在这个模拟中,这个过滤过程中,你可以做一个粗略的近似,在过去的n个样本,其中n是一个数字,你需要选择移动平均线.设置一个合适的函数来生成这个平均.试图找出如何做到这一点的自己,但如果你需要一个提示,看看在Web CT提示文件.如果你得到一个错误信息,说:“索引超出范围”当你做平均,重新定义本地的下限吨,使您避免负面的论点在ASK(t)函数内的总和.工作,或做实验发现,最好的n值.