有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coars

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 01:59:52
有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw   B gross   C coarse  D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coars
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有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coars
有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw   B gross   C coarse  D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coarse是粗糙的,低劣的,为什么不选A?)2.The police were altered because many shop-owners complainted about getting the ____money.A false   B fake   C spurious  D sham(这一题选的B,但我觉得如果B可以的话,那BCD都ok~都有假的意思,我觉得C更恰当,它有伪造的意思,请问这三个词在直“假的”上面有什么更细致区分)3.The bill was rejected in the ___last night.A House of Common           B House of the CommonC House of Commons          D House of the Commons(这一题完全不知道是什么意思,麻烦详细解答一下)      4.That school is good and my conclusion is based on the ___ i have looked into and the ___they have set up.A datums;forums  B data;fora  C data;forum  D data;forums      (这一题选的D,问题在后面那个单词,字典上写的forum也作fora,能不能详细说说这两个词的差别)5.The committee ___divided on the issue of appointing a___officer.A was;ceutom  B were;customs  C were;custom  D was;customs(这一题选B,为什么第一个要用复数,后面的custom为什么要用复数,)6.The committee ____unable to agree on a policy,and so ___ decided to meet again next month.A were;they  B was;it  C have been;it  D has been;they(这一题选B,第一个空为什么要用单数,后面一个为什么也要用单数,如果第一个用单数,那不是与上面一题自相矛盾?)7.There was ___ of complete silence.A an instant  B hours  C seconds  D three minutes(这一题选的A,但是如果根据意思,BC都说的通啊,为什么要选A?)8.Doctor explained that not all bacteria___harmful.A were   B are    C  was     D is(这一题选的B,为什么不选A,应该用过去时啊···)9.Do you want to wait?Three weeks ___too long for me.A is   B are  C were  D was (这一题选的A,为什么不选B?如果把three weeks 当一个整体的话,那么下面一题的题干中,为什么fifteen years 后面接的事have,而不是has,难道fifteen years不能看成一个整体?)10.Fifteen years have passed,i have found she has _____A some white hair          B much White hairC a few white hairs        D a little white hair(这一题选的C,还让当头发的时候是不可数的名词啊~为什么选c?我觉得就c不对,其他的都可以选)问题有些多麻烦哪位高手能耐心解答一下,

有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coars
1.They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coarse是粗糙的,低劣的,为什么不选A?)
这题我同意你的看法,raw oil 原油
2.The police were altered because many shop-owners complainted about getting the ____money.A false B fake C spurious D sham(这一题选的B,但我觉得如果B可以的话,那BCD都ok~都有假的意思,我觉得C更恰当,它有伪造的意思,请问这三个词在直“假的”上面有什么更细致区分)
fake 赝品
3.The bill was rejected in the ___last night.A House of Common B House of the CommonC House of Commons D House of the Commons
House of Commons 众议院 翻译:昨晚提案在众议院被否决了!
4.That school is good and my conclusion is based on the ___ i have looked into and the ___they have set up.A datums;forums B data;fora C data;forum D data;forums
.The committee ___divided on the issue of appointing a___officer.A was;ceutom B were;customs C were;custom D was;customs(这一题选B,为什么第一个要用复数,后面的custom为什么要用复数,)
这里的committee 指的是委员会全体成员;第二个customs指的是海关
6.The committee ____unable to agree on a policy,and so ___ decided to meet again next month.A were;they B was;it C have been;it D has been;they(这一题选B,第一个空为什么要用单数,后面一个为什么也要用单数,如果第一个用单数,那不是与上面一题自相矛盾?)
7.There was ___ of complete silence.A an instant B hours C seconds D three minutes(这一题选的A,但是如果根据意思,BC都说的通啊,为什么要选A?)
前面是was,是单数哦,所以不能选B C D
8.Doctor explained that not all bacteria___harmful.A were B are C was D is(这一题选的B,为什么不选A,应该用过去时啊···)
9.Do you want to wait?Three weeks ___too long for me.A is B are C were D was (这一题选的A,为什么不选B?如果把three weeks 当一个整体的话,那么下面一题的题干中,为什么fifteen years 后面接的事have,而不是has,难道fifteen years不能看成一个整体?)
10.Fifteen years have passed,i have found she has _____A some white hair B much White hairC a few white hairs D a little white hair(这一题选的C,还让当头发的时候是不可数的名词啊~为什么选c?我觉得就c不对,其他的都可以选)
对,你的理解是对的,除了C 其他都对!

1.D “我够不着”的意思,beyond the reach是固定搭配 2.B 其他三个选项的正确表达方式应该为“most of the”,都不对后只有B的表达是对的,只不过

8我知道 细菌有害 这个是真理的 就像当初学的时候月亮绕着地球转一样

有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coars 关于My English teacher has ___ 8 year-old daughter.今天我在做英语作业的时候有一道题目我不是很明白My English teacher has ___ 8 year-old daughter.A.an B.a C.the D./我选择了B,可是为什么答案是A呢?我觉得8不是eigh 空间几何题,不是很明白题目说甚麼... 这个题目不是很明白 求全面讲解? Finally the time has come for me to declare the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Game__ 答案是closed额 网上有原文 我想知道为什么不是to close 以及这里用closed的理由 不是很明白这种动词的变来变去的题目额 英语中什么是陈述语序?不是很明白 还不是很明白 英语翻译不是很明白! 定语从句英语题目Those ( )will go to the park stay here.答案是who,但不是说that,也可以吗?为什么不是that呢? 有一道数据额结构的题目不是很明白,for(i=0;i Where to ,Miss?( ) at the King's Department Store.A.Pick me up B.Drop me off个人对B不是很明白,能具体说说AB? 综合三是综合三试卷有些题目的答案,随便,只要对就行,因为,我有一些不会,今天必须搞定!OK! 英语翻译是我们TOK课的论文题目.我看的不是很明白.不知道该怎么写.In expending the field of knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance. (Henry Miller).Is this true. 你的书包里有一些杂志吗?对,有一些英语和汉语杂志.英语怎么翻译 我喜欢原来的你,你不会明白我对你的感情,有一些事不是我不知道而是我没亲眼看见而已,我不想说出而来 不是很明白为什么这里答案说小灯泡短路了, 合力矩应该怎么求?急用答案的方法不是很明白,/> 高分求解量子力学的两个入门级问题大家好,我对量子力学不是很了解,这里有两个题目,看起来很简单,但是我不是很明白怎么解答.倾囊而出跪求赐教