英语翻译are cost dose loaf money of quart bread costs is losves much pound rightare glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)A:Where would you like to go for lunch?B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:28
英语翻译are cost dose loaf money of quart bread costs is losves much pound rightare glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)A:Where would you like to go for lunch?B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out
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英语翻译are cost dose loaf money of quart bread costs is losves much pound rightare glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)A:Where would you like to go for lunch?B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out
are cost dose loaf money of quart
bread costs is losves much pound right
are glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)
A:Where would you like to go for lunch?
B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out of this world and( )isn't expensive.I had an( )( )spaghetti there last week for a dollar ninety-five.
A:I don't really want to go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghtti( )very good,but you can't get any chocolate milk I like to have a( )of chocolate milk with my lunch.
B:How about The Pancake Place?Their pancakeas( )fantastic,and( )aren'texpensive.An( )( )pancakes costs two sixty-nine.
A:I really don't like The Pancake Place.The pancakes( )tasty,but their salad( )terrible!It has too( )lettuce and too( )onions.
B:Well,how about Rita's Restaurant?Their desserts are wonderful.You can get a delicious( )( )pie,a( )( )strawberries,or a( )( )ice-cream.
A:I konw,But their hot chocolate( )very bad.I like to have a( )( )hot chocolate with my dessert.
B:Wait a minute!I kown where we can go for lunch.Let's go to YOUR house!

英语翻译are cost dose loaf money of quart bread costs is losves much pound rightare glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)A:Where would you like to go for lunch?B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out
are cost dose loaf money of quart
bread costs is losves much pound right

are glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)
A:Where would you like to go for lunch? 你想上哪吃午饭?
B: Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out of this world and (it) isn't expensive. I had an(bowl) (of) spaghetti there last week for a dollar ninety-five. 我们去卡拉咖啡馆吧.他们的面条世上少有,而且不贵.上星期我在那儿花一美元95美分吃了一碗面条.
A: I don't really want to go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghtti (is) very good,but you can't get any chocolate milk I like to have a (glass) of chocolate milk with my lunch. 我实在不想去卡拉咖啡馆.他们的面条是不错,但是你买不到巧克力牛奶.我喜欢吃午饭时喝一杯巧克力牛奶.
B: How about The Pancake Place? Their pancakeas (are) fantastic,and (they)aren't expensive. An (order) (of) pancakes costs two sixty-nine. 那去煎饼铺怎么样?他们的煎饼很棒,而且不贵.一份煎饼两美元69美分.
A: I really don't like The Pancake Place.The pancakes (are) tasty, but their salad (is) terrible! It has too (much) lettuce and too (many) onions. 我实在不想去煎饼铺.他们的煎饼味道很好,但是沙拉太糟了!沙拉里面生菜太多,洋葱也太多.
B: Well, how about Rita's Restaurant? Their desserts are wonderful.You can get a delicious (piece) (of) pie,a (dish) (of) strawberries, or a (cup) (of) ice-cream. 好吧,那丽塔餐馆怎么样?他们的甜点可好了.你可以吃到一块美味的馅饼,一盘草莓,或者一杯冰激凌.
A: I konw,But their hot chocolate (is) very bad. I like to have a (cup) (of) hot chocolate with my dessert. 我知道,但是他们的热巧克力茶太差劲.我喜欢喝一杯热巧克力茶配我的甜点.
B: Wait a minute! I kown where we can go for lunch. Let's go to YOUR house! 等一下!我知道我们可以去哪儿吃午饭了.让我们去你家吧.

======================== =============
1:甲:多少钱一()牛奶()?**%% ** B:一()的()()二三九
乙:你是() 。牛奶()非常昂贵本周.


======================== =============
1:甲:多少钱一()牛奶()?**%% ** B:一()的()()二三九
乙:你是() 。牛奶()非常昂贵本周.

我知道。但是( )()非常便宜,本周!

你说得对!苹果()非常昂贵的今天,但香蕉()很便宜.**%%* *这是nice.But如何才能让香蕉苹果馅饼?!
============================ ===================================

答:我真的不想去卡拉的Cafe.Their spaghtti()非常好,但你不能得到任何巧克力牛奶我想有一个()巧克力牛奶我的午餐.
吗?B:怎么样的煎饼将它们的pancakeas()美妙, 。()aren'texpensive安()()煎饼成本二六九.


英语翻译 a dose of 英语翻译she was Lo 英语翻译are cost dose loaf money of quart bread costs is losves much pound rightare glass many order bowl is much piece cup it of they dish (选项单词)A:Where would you like to go for lunch?B:Let's go to Carla's Cafe.Their spaghetti is out 英语翻译deixá-lo ser Lo 英语翻译Adding to a woman`s increased dose of stress chemicals ,are her increased opportunitiesfor stress. 英语翻译Adding to a woman`s increased dose of stress chemicals ,are her increased opportunitiesfor stress. 13. I wonder . A. how much cost these shoes B13. I wonder . A. how much cost these shoes B. how much these shoes costC. how much do these shoes cost D. how much are these shoes cost14. I bought a pet yesterday, but I do not know how to it. A. lo 英语翻译cost 10 dollars 英语翻译What dose Green say at last? 英语翻译amortized cost held-to maturity securities are reported on the balance sheet at amortized cost.amortized cost is equal to the face value less any unamortized discount or plus any unamortized premium .什么是 amorized cost ,麻烦给解 英语翻译sejuk cari baju pakai lo. 英语翻译The NVC will contact the person for whom you are petitioning concerning further immigrant visa processing steps.The approval of this visa petition dose not in itself grant any immigrantion status and dose not guarantee that the alien bene How much_____ this belt?A.is B.dose C.cost ) 英语翻译If jellybeans cost $1.60 per pound,and there are 7 jellybeans in an ounce,how much would 35 jellybeans cost? 英语翻译Antidifterica dose 2Antiepatite B dose 2ANtihaemophilus infl dose 2Antipertossica dose 2Antipolio dose 2Antitetanica dose 2Poliomielite Difterite-Tetano-Pertosse Epatite B Hib 07 APR.2009 04 AGO.2009Anti-pneumococco Anti-pneumococcus 7 va What colour()your brother's shirt.(dose is are) 英语翻译Some collections are expensive,but others don't cost anything at all.Some collections are worth a little money,others are valuable onlt to their owners.