
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:09:30
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The story is about a little girl called Alice.She fell into sleep when she was reading books with her sister at the river bank.In her dream,she chased a rabbit with a vest on and fell into a rabbit hole from where she entered a wonderful world.In this world,she turned now big,now small,and even fell into a pool of here own tears once.She also met the Dutchess who loved to teach,the mysterious Cheshire Cat,the mythical Gryphon and the Mock Turtle,the card Queen who always shouted "Off with his head" and a pack of card soldiers.She attended a mad tea party,a weird game of croquet and a trial.At last,she woke up as she was having a conflict with the Queen,and found herself still lying at the river bank and her sister gently brushing away from her face several fallen leaves which she took to be cards in her dream.

It was a story about a girl named Alice. She fell asleep by the side of a river when reading with her sister.
In the dream, she chased a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and fell into a cave. There she ...


It was a story about a girl named Alice. She fell asleep by the side of a river when reading with her sister.
In the dream, she chased a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and fell into a cave. There she entered a dramatic world. In that world, she became bigger or smaller from time to time. And at one time, she even fell into a pool of her tears. She also met a moralizing Duchess, a misterious cat, Griffin in myths, fake sea turtle, poker Queen who always screeming to cut others' head and a group of poker soldiers. She attended a crazy tea party, an extraordinary ball game and an adjudgement. Not until she involved into a conflict with the Queen, did she woke up and found herself still lying by the river. At that moment, her sister was gently tooking away several fallen leaves on her face, which was mistaken for pokers in her dream.


It tells a story of a little girl named Alice. She and her sister fell asleep when they were reading on the bank. In her dream, Alice ran after a rabbit in a vest and fell into a rabbit hole.She came ...


It tells a story of a little girl named Alice. She and her sister fell asleep when they were reading on the bank. In her dream, Alice ran after a rabbit in a vest and fell into a rabbit hole.She came into a wonderful world then. In this world, she sometimes got bigger while other times smaller. She once even fell into a pond of her own tears. She came across the didactic Duchess, mysterious Cheshire cat, Gryphon and the Mock Turtle in myth, the card Queen who always yelled to cut people's heads off and her card soldiers. She participated in a crazy tea meeting,a wierd rugby match and a trial. Finally, she woke up out of a conflict with the queen and found herself still lying on the bank. Her sister was then gently sweeping off the leaves fallen on her face——she took the leaves as cards in her dream.


英语翻译故事讲述的是一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩和姐姐在河边看书时睡着了.在梦中,她追逐一只穿着背心的兔子而掉进了兔子洞,她来到一个奇妙的世界.在这个世界里,她时而变大时而变小.有一 讲述一个小女孩助人为乐的故事! 英语翻译是一本童话书,它的主人公是一个非常可爱的小女孩名叫爱丽丝.故事讲的是爱丽丝在做梦时发生的奇奇怪怪的事.爱丽丝先掉进兔子洞,于是就进入了神奇的世界.爱丽丝喝下一小瓶饮 《卖火柴的小女孩》讲述了怎么样的一个故事 英语翻译我相信《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的故事大家都很熟悉,但是这部电影讲述的是已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚.于是她跟随一只白色的 [致爱丽丝]是讲一个什么样的故事 [致爱丽丝]是讲一个什么样的故事 卖火柴的小女孩讲述了一个什么故事,表达了什么 卖火柴的小女孩是一篇著名的,作者是19世纪的著名作家,他被称为,文章讲述了一个的故事,表达了作者对. 爱丽丝梦游仙境的故事 关于献给爱丽丝的故事 致爱丽丝的故事是什么 爱丽丝的英语叫什么 “艾米尼奥”的由来?讲述的是一个什么样的故事? 英语翻译正文:这个故事讲了一个叫爱丽丝(Alice)的女孩的故事.故事里有柴郡猫(Cheshire Cat)、帽匠(Mad Hatter)、三月兔(March Hare)和老鼠mouse.这是一个非常奇怪(strange)的故事.但我语 the mass 的mv讲述的是一个什么故事? 雾都孤儿讲述的是一个怎样的故事? 鸿门宴讲述的是一个真实的历史故事嘛?