求下面英语句的意思The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:33:18
求下面英语句的意思The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures.
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求下面英语句的意思The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures.
The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures.

求下面英语句的意思The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures.



求下面英语句的意思The more direct techniques are in advantage concerning the conditions of the sample since they don’t need already existing structures,chemicals or high temperatures. 英语the读的还是di MOV BYTE PTR [DI],0 求解释这句的意思,byte The more you care for someone,the less you understand her.这句英语的汉语意思是什么?急用! 求下面这句英语句子的意思In a globalised world,high taxes may simply lead businesses to move to places that offer more competitive rates or tax breaks to companies that set up operations within their borders. 英语the什么时候发di 英语:more than求more than + n 和more than +v.的意思和例句, Got more curious about the Korean 这句英语说的是什么?一楼是用翻译器翻的吧?我也翻过,下面两个回答都蛮好的,我要哪个? the more you love,the deep you will 想知道这句英文的具体意思.希望懂英语的帮忙翻译下. 英语强人来,非强人勿进1.more or less:“或多或少”的意思,请问more and less一否一样?2.翻译下句:It does not discuss more and less aggressive species or relative development of the xxx. 请英语达人帮帮忙! 求这一段话的paraphrase The speed at which light travels varies depending on the substances through which it is passing; light travels more slowly when it passes through a denser substance. Refraction occurs when the di 求解一句英语的意思:maybe you once in my shoes .thank you more 她想对我说什么呢?不懂女生的意思,求详解. 英语词组take your time 实句中的意思 急求——Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?——Of course. 【Take your time.】句中【Take your time】的意思是什么?急求答案! 请高手帮我翻译下面这句的中文意思,谢谢了!the world willlife fund cautioned that the spike might be attributable to more reliable surveying method 求“Rush of the wind”这句英语的汉语意思? 有一首英文歌曲女生唱的,我英语不好但是大概就是no (bao di拼音) no bao di for chu(拼音),这句重复两句! 谁能告诉我这句英语的意思i love you more ever than before 这句英语句子里 to the point 的意思?But thecurious thing was that while he was doing so a totally different memory hadclarified itself in his mind,to the point where he almost felt equal to writingit down.