
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:37:50
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武则天为了社稷,为了江山,她的青春一去不复返,身为君主,她必须抛弃个人的儿女情长,她亲手结束了两个儿子的生命,她承受着整个大唐无法承载的悲哀.但是,她的努力终于换来了大唐的一片繁荣昌盛!  武则天是聪明坦荡的,她由一个宫女成为一个女皇,干了那么多石破天惊的大事,主宰了46年的江山,她不倾喜诉悲,也拒绝了别人对她歌功颂德,却在自我评价上留下了一张白纸,立下一块无字碑.

Wu Zetian in order to the country,in order to Jiangshan,her youth gone for ever,as monarch,she must abandon the person be immersed in love,she had ended the two son's life,she had to bear the brunt of the Datang unbearable sorrow.However,her efforts to finally get a thriving and prosperous Tang dynasty!Wu Zetian is clever and a maid,she becomes a queen,do so many ground-breaking event,dominated the 46 yeas,she didn't bend like v.sadness,also refused to flatter others she,but in the self-evaluation on left a piece of white paper,made a monument without words.

Wu zetian for himself, for jiangshan, her youth is gone, a prince, she must abandon individual be immersed in love, her hands over the lives of two sons, she is under the whole data...


Wu zetian for himself, for jiangshan, her youth is gone, a prince, she must abandon individual be immersed in love, her hands over the lives of two sons, she is under the whole datang unbearable sorrow. However, her efforts finally for datang a prosperous! Wu zetian is clever magnanimous, she by a maid of honor to be a queen, did so many ground-breaking event, dominate the 46 years of jiangshan, she did not pour happy v. sad, also refused others praises for her, but left a blank sheet of paper on the self assessment has a piece of no words.


Wu zetian for himself, for jiangshan, her youth is gone, a prince, she must abandon individual be immersed in love, her hands over the lives of two sons, she is under the whole datang unbearable sorro...


Wu zetian for himself, for jiangshan, her youth is gone, a prince, she must abandon individual be immersed in love, her hands over the lives of two sons, she is under the whole datang unbearable sorrow. However, her efforts finally for datang a prosperous! Wu zetian is clever magnanimous, she by a maid of honor to be a queen, did so many ground-breaking event, dominate the 46 years of jiangshan, she did not pour happy v. sad, also refused others praises for her, but left a blank sheet of paper on the self assessment has a piece of no words.


英语翻译武则天为了社稷,为了江山,她的青春一去不复返,身为君主,她必须抛弃个人的儿女情长,她亲手结束了两个儿子的生命,她承受着整个大唐无法承载的悲哀.但是,她的努力终于换来了大 江山社稷的含义? 江山社稷的稷是什么意思 江山社稷的稷是指什么 武则天篡位了吗?武则天连国号都改了,而且成了第一个女皇帝,他难道都是大公无私的,为了江山和社稷,一点野心都没有吗 仿写:诸葛亮,他出身卑微,虽然他未出茅庐,却知天下三分.为了蜀汉的江山社稷,他鞍前马后,誓死效劳,报先帝而忠陛下.他是智慧的化身,忠诚的使者 (两个句子) 文学葬送了江山社稷皇帝的文学才华会不会葬送了江山社稷? 为了女人失江山的帝王们RT 社稷、江山分别是什么意思 为了上班的英语翻译 为了目标为了梦想的英语翻译? 江山社稷里面的“社”和“稷”,本意是什么? 江山社稷的“社”和“稷”分别代表什么意思? 为了提高她的英语口语,她经常和外国人进行交流 英语翻译 江山社稷中社稷指什么 为了她,放开她的英语怎么说?或者是为了她的幸福所以放弃她 中国历史的几个问题1, 中国历史上有没有伟人大义灭亲,为了江山社稷而杀死或者重罚自己妻子的?清举出事实,人名,因为什麽.2. 毛泽东的几位妻子分别是怎麽死的. 先谢谢大家了毛主席和周 尽管她埋怨我没时间好好陪她,但我只是为了创造她的美好未来,英语翻译