献上100分 一定要对啊= =a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $2688

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:41:38
献上100分 一定要对啊= =a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $2688
xU]S@+G:bH0 ?wg.!4$Py TPpՂ00-(J(4ٽg9$]4JRQhy y-6-B0t(`h̒&4 15#7faXkcrL~h$RR)ن b@'6PA}aY $ R99/$l.'2Q_m1h#DL-okĹH(Ę@ҵÊ"= P6II@u Ȕ)h|pV}8f }cTp@\ą5ƌIUf*ڂ80ȁ;byF=*.A,qc" rƚjc Il'{Uy38sFz0矽ë Judh.# 6up,L{-D*+l([eSONND94qX#;I>|I8.UL<-O:=IRآ?yů6E W_yG><D/`x@+-:_4z| J 5}A!0ŷoнv³ Z#nx[uh!cts'ƒt.׾ĝ" Ded:Y_>(!!nqJxW@]w ޭCZ>_siF2<=懳@%!\a8W OB\! ѕ-^⦋9Wq;zִ,˿3.36W-yǬC};M"h^.1t,9:|X'

献上100分 一定要对啊= =a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $2688
献上100分 一定要对啊= =
a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $26880 what are the company's fixed costs per fiscal period?
last year a printing company had total sales of $37500.The total of its variable costs was $1500,and fixed costs were $18000.Capacity is a sales volume of $50000.
A)calculate the break-even point in
1)dollars of sales
2)as a percent of capacity
B) Draw a detailed break-even chart

献上100分 一定要对啊= =a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $2688
1.total costs=623000+26880=649880
fixed costs=649880-404880=245000
A.dollars of sales >=18000+1500=19500(盈亏平衡点)
a persent of capacity=37500/50000=75%

一个公司做出了篮球已经计算他们的收入和成本如下最近一个会计期间:销售成本:固定成本623000美元××美元总成本的变动成本404880 ____美元净利润(损失)$ 26880公司的固定成本每财政期吗?
一种印刷公司去年的销售总额达$ 37500。它的变量的总成本是$ 1500美元,固定成本达到18000。能力是一个销量50000美元。


一个公司做出了篮球已经计算他们的收入和成本如下最近一个会计期间:销售成本:固定成本623000美元××美元总成本的变动成本404880 ____美元净利润(损失)$ 26880公司的固定成本每财政期吗?
一种印刷公司去年的销售总额达$ 37500。它的变量的总成本是$ 1500美元,固定成本达到18000。能力是一个销量50000美元。


献上100分 一定要对啊= =a company that makes basketballs has calculated their revenue and costs as follows for the most recent fiscal period:sales $623000 costs:fixed costs $_____ variable costs 404880 total costs $____ net income (loss) $2688 数学题求教之反比例函数已知Y=A+B,A与X+1成正比例,B与X+1成反比例.当X=0时,Y=-5;当X=2时,Y=-7求Y与X的函数解析式数学达人请速回答50分献上 105分献上 是娜米和星星的就进来噢让我们献上对娜娜和张杰的最美好的祝福吧!http://hi.baidu.com/%81A%D8%C2%D7%D3/blog/item/89450b6c3e2f7cfc421694ed.html 进来看看 a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 …… y=25 z=26 以此类推,求一个英文单词各字母加起来能是10050分献上,知道了赶快发了, 雅思口语话题 Describe a street in your city.30分全献上 A(-1,6),(x,3)且丨AB丨=根号10,求X快块过程献上 求高人推荐2篇关于长三角区域经济一体化的英文文献,100分献上, 我为神九骄傲小制作怎么做100分 献上 高一函数题 不懂已知函数f(x)对任意函数都有f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),且当x>1时,f(x)>01求证,f(x/y)=f(y)2 求证,f(x)在(0,+∞)上是增函数 谢谢大家要过程 献上10分 请求赐教6道物理题,http://hi.baidu.com/llyrxz/album/%E7%89%A9%E7%90%86%E5%AF%92%E5%81%87%E4%BD%9C%E4%B8%9A不一定要全对啊,有道理就行 送分已知|a|=5 ,|b|=3且|ab|=-ab求a-b的值还有一题1 +2 -3 -4 +5 +6 -7 -8 + … + 97 +98 -99 -100 要写具体过程的对一个30分一定要具体过程 如果把植物细胞比作汽车的话,核糖体,内质网,高尔基体,溶酶体比作汽车的什么部分.100分献上 怎样渗透性的理解句子和句子的妙处我的各科成绩还不错 就是语文的句子理解得不恰当 希望有高人来为我指点迷津 在下小小100分献上 记得一定要详细易懂哦 还有怎样提高做事的速度,效率 有一句名言读后感怎么写“对有信仰的人,死是永生之门.”出自日本小说《失乐园》200字读后感50分献上. 正三角形ABC内接于半径为2cm的圆,则弦AB所对的弦的长为如题、本人分不多、献上10分 初中物理公式,麻烦写全点,要写清楚,如:P(压强)=F(压力)/S(受力面积),这样写,谢谢啊!急!中考啊!麻烦写清楚点,不然我不懂的,谢谢啊!把分全部献上! 英语翻译知道的我最后10分献上! A=X+Y+Z的中文含义顺序一定要对,我急着要用,