
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:18:45
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The Olympic game will hold in Beijing in only one year time.I am glad that I was one of the citizen of Beijing.As a student,we must do something to make the game held successful.
Recently,I heard that there was a volunteer team for the Olympic game in Beijing.I am so excited to join the team to be a volunteer.
If I can be a volunteer I will pick up the rubbish on the ground for environment.
If I can be a volunteer I will plant trees and grass to make Beijing green .
If I can be a volunteer I will cheer on people not to drive cars in the city.
If I can be a volunteer I will…
Because of the wind,the ground could grows lots of the trees ;Because of the trees,we could have a cool place to stay.Yes ,because of you ,we could have a colorful world .Give a helping hang as a volunteer just like the wind,the trees .We can improve our volume by being a volunteer .Give your hands to others that can help yourself,too.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic game needs your help,hurry up,let’s us give a helping hand as a volunteer !

我想要一份题目为《做助人为乐的志愿者》的英语演讲稿,现在上初中,演讲比赛要用, 求“做一个助人为乐的志愿者”英语演讲稿做一个助人为乐的志愿者2分钟200字左右 我想要做一份题目为“二氧化碳和铜”的化学报告 需要:是怎么发现的, 助人为乐的作文题目 我想要一篇关于写爸爸助人为乐的作文 做一个助人为乐的志愿者英语演讲稿300字左右...简单一点的3分钟左右..初二水平 英语演讲稿,以Give a helping hang as a volunteer(做一个助人为乐的志愿者)为题,200字以上 用英文写篇题目叫做我应该做一个志愿者的作文 我想要一篇题目是【我能为班级做些什么】的作文 我要做一份电脑小报 以音乐为主题 起一个新颖的题目 急求一片英文演讲稿题目:一个助人为乐的志愿者(Give a helping hand as volnnteer)200字左右 最好有中文翻译 我想要一份高中数学的公式,谁有啊 作文我的故事助人为乐 要是我助人为乐的文章 有一份,做好了,但是正确率想要找数学达人,可以单m我的Q 512211141,我发你题目,我做好了,但是明天需要检查,但是做的很匆忙,又来不及仔细反复的检查, 英文演讲稿——以(做一个助人为乐的志愿者)为题200词以上,最好晚上回答出来哦! 英语比赛题目---我为奥运做准备,谢谢帮我草拟一份,要英语的哦, 助人为乐是中华名族的传统美德,请你以“助人为乐”为中心,以“我被感动了”为题目(接下面)写一篇作文,讲述一件给你影响深刻的动人事迹吧!