英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2:

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:12:09
英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2:
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英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2:
原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.
改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)
改句2:Experts now were sure that the animal really was a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之前)

英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2:
Sometimes she comes late.
She sometimes comes late.
She comes late sometimes.
She never comes late.
Never does she come late.
She is sometimes late.
She sometimes comes late.
She has sometimes been coming late.

really was -----强调“从当时的情况分析”
really a tiger ----强调“的确是头老虎”

英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2: 副词在英语句子中的位置? 副词在句子中的位置? 英语中行为副词在短语和句子中的位置 副词放在句子中的什么位置 英语提问:以下句子中的副词可以进行如下位置变换吗?原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2: 英语副在句子中的位置?前面什么词时后面用副词 副词应该放在句子中的什么位置 求英语副词的用法,我不区分不来形容词和副词.还有副词放置在句子中的位置经常错! 英语中的动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,be动词怎么用,在句子中的位置是什么?请举例说明一下? 英语 名词 副词 形容词 在句子中间的位置 英语主谓宾定状补主谓宾定状补的结构麻烦给排列以下,就是在句子中的位置 英语提问:以下句子里的副词位置是否可以进行调换.原句:The next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly two a.m.改句1:The next morning we saw that the clock had stopped exactly at two a.m.改句2:The next mo 英语中副词是什么?副词在句子的什么位置上?要注意什么? 英语 only在句子中的位置例句 英语中的副词是什么相传英语中副词有 时间副词,地点副词,方式副词,频度副词,范围副词等X种副词.可 副词 是什么意思呢?在句子中有什么作用呢? Help! once 当副词在句中的位置 英语中副词的位置为什么有的副词在动词之前而有的在句子末啊,