Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 06:54:36
Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s
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Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s
Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s

Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s
Young people liked to wear trainers ( )
A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s



●年份的表示法 (year) 一般年份名词前用介词in
例:1976——19 ·76——nineteen seventy-six (*先读前两位数;再读后两位数。都用基数词)
1999——19 ·99——nineteen ninety-nine
1804——18 · 04—...


●年份的表示法 (year) 一般年份名词前用介词in
例:1976——19 ·76——nineteen seventy-six (*先读前两位数;再读后两位数。都用基数词)
1999——19 ·99——nineteen ninety-nine
1804——18 · 04——eighteen O four (*数字0可以简单读作字母O的发音,即[əu])
——或者可读作 eighteen hundred and four (较少用)
1750——17 ·50——seventeen fifty
1900——19 · 00——可读作 nineteen hundred (诸如这样的,可以用hundred来表示)
2000——two thousand
2008——two thousand and eight
2012——twenty twelve ;或者 two thousand andtwelve
例句:The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1st (in) 1949. 中华人民共和国于1949年十月一号成立。
The boy was born in 2000.这个小男孩在2000年出生。
◇“在…年代(整十年)”——in+年代整数(复数)例:在80年代——in 1980s ; 在30年代——in 1930s
或者如1980’s ; 1930’s 也是可以的。
◇“在某人的多少岁时”——in one’s 年龄整数(复数) 例:在他30岁时——in his thirties ; 在她80岁时——in her eighties
◇“在…世纪”——in the 序数词 century 例:在19世纪——in the nineteenth century ; 在21世纪——in the twenty-first century
◇“公元前…”——年份+B.C. 例:公元前460年——460 B.C. 读作four sixty B.C.
“公元(后)…”——两种方式年份+A.D. 或 A.D.+年份 均可用。
例:公元1976年——1976 A.D. 或 A.D. 1976 读作 nineteen seventy-six A.D.或 A.D. nineteen seventy-nine
●月份的表示法 (month) 一般月份名词前用介词in

月份 Month 缩写形式 月份 Month 缩写形式
一月 January Jan. 七月 July Jul.
二月 February Feb. 八月 August Aug.
三月 March Mar. 九月 September Sep.或Sept.
四月 April Apr. 十月 October Oct.
五月 May May 十一月 November Nov.
六月 June Jun. 十二月 December Dec.
例句:The People’s Republic of China was founded in October . 中华人民共和国成立于十月。
The boy was born in December.这个小男孩在12月出生。
The Spring Festival usually comes in January or February. 春节通常在一月或者二月到来。
●日期的表示法 (date) 用介词on
五月二日——May 2nd 读作:May the second
——或 the 2nd of May 读作:the second of May
十月十五号—— October 15th 读作:October the fifteenth
——或the 15th of October 读作:the fifteenth of October
① May 2nd ② the 2nd of May ③ May 2 ④ the 2 of May ⑤ 5,2,2008 (2008年五月二日,最简单明了)
September 10th ② the 10th of September ③ Sept. 10 ④ the 10 of Sept. ⑤ 9,10,1997
*年份\世纪\月份\季节\星期用介词in ; 某日用介词on ; 几月几日\某年某月某日用介词on
例句:Chairman Mao was born on December 26th (in)1893.毛主席诞生于1893年十二月26日。
——今天几号? ——What’s the date today?
——今天是十一月十五号。——Today (或It) is November the 15th.
●周,星期的表示法(week) 用介词on

星期日 Sunday Sun. 星期四 Thursday Thurs.
星期一 Monday Mon. 星期五 Friday Fri.
星期二 Tuesday Tues. 星期六 Saturday Sat.
星期三 Wednesday Wed. 周末 weekend
例句:We usually go to park on Sunday.我们通常星期天去公园。
Mary likes flying a kite with her son on the square on the weekend.玛丽喜欢和他儿子周末一起到广场上放风筝。
——今天星期几? ——What day is it today?
——今天星期五。 ——Today(It) is Friday.
●季节的表示法 (season) 用介词in
—— spring 春 summer夏 autumn秋(英) winter冬
—— spring 春 summer夏 the fall秋(美) winter冬
例句:Peasants get in their crops in autumn.农民们秋天收获庄稼。
It’s quite hot in summer. 夏天很热。
*季节名词前一般不加定冠词the .
●钟表点表示法 用介词at
1. 最正式的一种表达方式
◇整点 小时(基数词)+o’clock (* o’clock读[ə’ klɔk],可以省略)
例如:08:00——at eight o’clock ; 12:00——at twelve o’clock
18:00——at eighteen o’clock ; 23:00——at twenty-three o’clock
◇几点过几分(半小时以内) 分钟+past+小时 (*都用基数词;美国英语用after代替past)
例如:08:05——at five past\after eight ; 12:25—— at twenty-five past\after twelve
19:20——at twenty past\after nineteen ; 22:10——at ten past\after twenty-two
◇几点差几分(半小时以外) 分钟(60-分钟)+to+(下一个)小时整点 (*美国英语用of代替to)
例如:07:35——at twenty-five to eight (即差25分8点)
14:40——at twenty to fifteen (即差20分15点)
21:55——at five to twenty-two (即差5分22点)
一刻(15分)a quarter past\after +小时
三刻(45分)a quarter to\of +(小时+1)
例如:06:15——at a quarter past\after six
13:45——at a quarter to\of fourteen
几点半(即30分) half past +小时 例如:08:30——at half past eight
08:00——at eight ; 12:00—— at twelve
18:00——at eighteen ; 23:00——at twenty-three
08:05——at eight five ; 12:25——at twelve twenty-five
19:20——at nineteen twenty ; 22:10——at twenty-two ten
07:35——at seven thirty-five ; 14:40——at fourteen forty
21:55——at twenty-one fifty-five ; 06:15——at six fifteen
13:45——at thirteen forty-five ; 08:30——at eight thirty
*注意区别(看介词)——at nineteen forty-five 在19:45分钟
——in nineteen forty-five 在1945年
——I get up at six thirty and go to work at seven in the morning.
——现在几点了? ——What time is it now?
——现在是早上八点半。 ——It’s (at) eight thirty in the morning.
常见节假日 节假日前一般不加the(除了少数例外)

元旦 New Year’s Day
春节 the Spring Festival
元宵 The Lantern Festival
妇女节 Women’s Day
儿童节 Children’s Day
青年节 Youth Day
劳动节 Labo(u)r Day
老人节 Old People’s Day
端午节 Dragon-boat Festival
清明节 Tomb-sweeping Festival
或Qing Ming Festival
中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival
国庆节 National Day
重阳节 Double-ninth Festival
建军节 Army Day
建党日 Party’s Birthday
教师节 Teachers’ Day
情人节 Valentine’s Day
圣诞节 Christmas
感恩节 Thanksgiving
狂欢节 Carnival
复活节 Easter
愚人节 April Fool’s Day

试区别:——Children don’t have class at the Spring Festival.孩子们在春节期间不上课。(前后十几天时间)
——Children don’t have class on the Spring Festival.孩子们在春节那天不上课。(大年初一当天)
National Day is the birthday of P.R.C. . 国庆节是中国的生日。


C in 1990 或 in the 1990s

Many people liked...造句 The young people in the wear B.liked wear C.liked wearing wearing八点半之前,说明为什么 Alice was a young woman who liked 英语翻译hernry liked drinking and spent all his monry on it so he stole some monry from the shop nr hunt,the shopkeeper,was told about it and sent the young man away soon the people in the small town knew about it and he couldn't find any work th Young people liked to wear trainers ( ) A in the 1990 B in the 1990s' C in the 1990s D in 1990s I haven't liked you 介词填空 A train is going ______ the tunnel at the moment.Young people ______ the 1990s liked wear介词填空A train is going ______ the tunnel at the moment.Young people ______ the 1990s liked wearing trainers.I borrowed these CDs _______ my au For example,young people like to do things without much t .(t开头的单词) I was ( )at the bad news.She doesn't mind what young people (t ) of her every young people对吗 young people同义词多点 young后面是people 英语翻译是:“I don't care what young people think of me.”还是:“I don't care about what young people think of me.”还是两者都性? She doesn't mind what young people ______ heShe doesn't mind what young people ______ her.A.think B.thinks C.think of 30.In those days,few people liked taking a bus,_____?A.didn’t they B.did they C.don’t they D.were they 翻译 我不在乎年轻人对我怎么想.I don’t( )( )young people ( )( ) ( ). 我不介意年轻人怎样评价我.I don't mind what young people ____of me. I don't mind what young people think of me.的中文翻译