
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 01:30:54
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Today is Saturday.I go to the zoo with my teacher Mark._________________________

Today is Saturday.I go to the zoo with my teacher Mark.
The zoo and many animals.I most like elephants,think it is very strong.First of all,I see some panda,they come from China.I see the lion,they come from Africa.I also saw the koala,they are from Australia.Mark the teacher like rabbits,because it clever and lovely!

The fairest of them all
White tigers are one of the star attractions at our Zoo because of their rarity and uncommon beauty. With their blue eyes, pink noses, and creamy white fur covered with bro...


The fairest of them all
White tigers are one of the star attractions at our Zoo because of their rarity and uncommon beauty. With their blue eyes, pink noses, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes, these giant cats are truly a cat-tivating sight!
Our white tiger habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle clearing. Here, our felines, Omar and Winnie, can often be seen strolling about or lounging in the shady spots. The moat separating visitors from the tigers also serves a second purpose as a wet playground since white tigers are one of the few wild cats that love swimming. You may just be lucky enough to catch our white tigers taking a dip in the waters on a hot day!
See, feel, hear, touch, save the tiger
The white tiger exhibit at the Zoo features an interactive centre that puts the world of the tiger within a child’s reach – most of our displays and interactive buttons are low enough for the little ones to press, read, listen to, see and touch.
Learn about Mohan, the first white tiger caught from the wild, the ancestor of all white tigers in existence today. Find out what happened to the last tiger to ever roam the jungles of Singapore and discover why tigers are fast disappearing. As you earn your stripes as a tiger expert, find out how you can save the tiger too by contributing to Singapore Zoo’s tiger conservation efforts.
Watch as our tigers leap up to catch their meaty treats with their 3-inch teeth in mid-air during one of our most exciting token feeding session at 2.20pm daily!


一篇关于动物园的英语作文假如今天是星期六,你和你的外教老师Mark一起去了动物园。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇50词左右的短文,简要讲述你在动物园里的见闻。开头已给,不计入总次 写一篇50词英语作文,今天是7星期六,天气晴朗.你和同学张力参观青岛动物园.那里有许多动物.他们很可爱 一篇400词以上的关于动物园的英语作文 写一篇英语作文关于动物园做义务导游假如伱叫王琳,是动物园保护协会的一名成员.伱经常利用节假日在动物园做义务导游.伱将为来自澳大利亚的中学生做导游,请你根据图示及英文提示词语 英语日记 去动物园要求:今天是七月七日,星期六,天气晴朗. 关于假如的一篇作文 写一篇关于在动物园养动物好不好的英语作文,100词左右 写一篇关于去动物园的英语作文不少于130个词 一篇关于郊游英语日记假如你是生活在城市的一个高中生,今天是9月25日,星期六,天气晴,你们班去农村的一个小镇郊游!要求小镇优点:舒适、安静、污染少;缺点:地处偏僻山区,比较贫穷; 关于动物园的作文 (英语作文):假设今天是星期六,你去了海边.请写一篇50词左右的日记...假设今天是星期六,你去了海边.请写一篇50词左右的日记,描写今天的天气、所进行的活动、所见所闻以及你的心情等. 求一篇英语小作文,我的星期六 英语小作文:关于运动会的,假如你是某校一名学生,请你根据下面材料为学校广播室写一篇英语广播稿报到学校运动会(sports meeting):今天是星期五,天气很好.同学们正在进行激烈的比赛:Tom 英语小作文:关于运动会的,假如你是某校一名学生,请你根据下面材料为学校广播室写一篇英语广播稿报到学校运动会(sports meeting):今天是星期五,天气很好.同学们正在进行激烈的比赛:Tom 假如你是一名导游,今天要带领游客去参观北京动物园,写一篇英语短文,描述参观计划 英语作文,关于志愿者方面,80词假如你是John 今年14岁是黎明中学九年级的学生,每个星期六上午你有空闲时间.你非常想参加“儿童绘画辅导”志愿者服务队,于是决定给报社编辑部写一篇80词左 今天是星期六.的英文翻译? 求一篇英语作文,写动物园猴子的.