
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:11:59
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Royals 贵族 I've never seen a diamond in the flesh,我从未亲眼看到过一颗钻石,I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies我第一次看到钻石是电影里的结婚钻戒.And I'm not proud of my address,in the torn up town,我也不会对自己的住所感到骄傲,管它是不是破旧小镇,No post code envy.有没有令人羡慕的邮编.But every song's like gold teeth,但是每首歌都在唱金钱,grey goose,trippin' in the bathroom美酒,在浴室里吸毒,Blood stains,ball gowns,trashin' the hotel room,血迹,礼服,在宾馆喝的烂醉,We don't care,we're driving cadillacs in our dreams.我们毫不在意,我们正在开着梦中的凯迪拉克(大型高级轿车的商标).But everybody's like cristal,maybach,但是每个人都喜欢香槟,迈巴赫(奔驰公司超豪华车),diamonds on your time piece.和镶钻手表.Jet planes,islands,tigers on a gold leash.喷气飞机,岛屿,被金链条拴住的老虎宠物.We don't care,we aren't caught up in your love affair.我们毫不在乎,对你的风流韵事亦不感冒.And we'll never be royals..我们永远不会是皇室贵族.It don't run in our blood,因为那不是流淌在我们血液里的东西,that kind of lux just ain't for us.那种奢侈(lux是luxury的简写)不属于我们.We crave a different kind of buzz.我们追求的是一种截然不同的忙碌生活Let me be your ruler,you can call me queen Bee让我成为你的统治者,你可以称呼我为女王And baby I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule.亲爱的我将支配你~支配你 支配你 支配你 Let me live that fantasy.让我活在那幻想里.My friends and I we've cracked the code.我和朋友们一起破解了密码,We count our dollars on the train to the party.在去派对的火车上数着我们所拥有的美元.And everyone who knows us knows that we're fine with this,而那些认识我们的人知道我们对这乐此不疲,we didn't come from money.我们不是从钱罐子里出来的,But every song's like gold teeth,但是每首歌都在唱金钱,grey goose,trippin' in the bathroom.美酒,在浴室里吸毒,Blood stains,ball gowns,trashin' the hotel room,血迹,礼服,在宾馆喝的烂醉,We don't care,we're driving cadillacs in our dreams.我们毫不在意,我们正在开着梦中的凯迪拉克.But everybody's like cristal,maybach,diamonds on your time piece.但是每个人都喜欢香槟,迈巴赫,Jet planes,islands,tigers on a gold leash喷气飞机,岛屿,被金链条拴住的老虎宠物,We don't care we aren't caught up in your love affair我们毫不介意,在你的爱情里,我们仍然跟不上你的脚步.And we'll never be royals,我们永远不会成为皇室贵族,it don't run in our blood那不是我们的命,That kind of lux just ain't for us那种光辉不应该属于我们.We crave a different kind of buzz.我们渴望的是另一种忙碌生活Let me be your ruler,you can call me queen Bee让我成为你的统治者,你可以称呼我为女王And baby I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule.亲爱的让我来控制你~控制你 控制你 控制你 Let me live that fantasy.让我活在我的梦幻里,Oooh ooooh ohhhWe're bigger than we ever dreamed,我们比我们所做的梦想要伟大,and I'm in love with being queen.我爱上了作为女王的感觉.Oooooh ooooh ohhhhhlife is game without a care生活就是无须在意的游戏We aren't caught up in your love affair.我们对你的风流韵事亦不感冒.And we'll never be royals,我们永远不会是皇室贵族,it don't run in our blood那不会流入我们的血液里.That kind of lux just ain't for us那种荣耀不属于我们.We crave a different kind of buzz我们渴望另一种忙碌生活Let me be your ruler,you can call me queen Bee让我成为你的统治者,你可以称呼我女王And baby I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule,亲爱的,我将驾驭你~驾驭你~驾驭你~驾驭你~Let me live that fantasy.让我活在这种想象里