英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:56:57
英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________                                                                                                My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They
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英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They
Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.
They didn't invite me.I don't know why.
No,I don't think what I did wrong.
Maybe you should talk to them ;ask them if you could join them.
Oh,no,I think it's too embarrassing.Now ______________
Don't be upset!I think_____________________
But I don't like writing letters.
Teen Talk?What's it about?
It's a radio advice program for teens.I think__________________
That's a good idea.___________________ every day?
The program starts at 8 pm and ends at 8:45 pm.
_______________________and give their advice?
Yes.A lot of boys and girls give different opinions in the program on their telephones.I think you will__________________
OK.Thanks very much

英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They
Hi,Bob!I have a problem.I don't know what to do.
_What's the matter?__
My friends.They're planning a picnic.
Then__go with them.__
They didn't invite me.I don't know why.
__Did you do anything wrong?__
No,I don't think what I did wrong.
Maybe you should talk to them ;ask them if you could join them.
Oh,no,I think it's too embarrassing.Now _I feel upset._
Don't be upset!I think_ you can write to them._
But I don't like writing letters.
Or_you can go to the Teen Talk._
Teen Talk?What's it about?
It's a radio advice program for teens.I think_it helps.__
That's a good idea.__What time does it start_ every day?
The program starts at 8 pm and ends at 8:45 pm.
_Do they listen to my question_and give their advice?
Yes.A lot of boys and girls give different opinions in the program on their telephones.I think you will_not be puzzled any longer.__
OK.Thanks very much.



英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They 英语补充对话!A:Hi,-------------------your name?B:My-------------Gina.-------------------you Tom?A:------------------,i'm not.---------------Bob.B:Hi,--------------------------.-----------------------to meet you.A:Nice to-------------- 一个初三英语补全对话和用所给词的适当形式填空一.补全对话A:Hi,Ann!Where are you going?B:Hi,Tim!( ).I’ll send a letter to Bob.A:( B:Yes.I got a letter from him the day before yesterday.A:( B:Very well.He 英语对话填空A:Hello!May I _______ ________ Amy?B:Hi,Mike.This is Amy. 英语补全对话 补全对话 Bob:Hi Susan .Ihaven't seen you for a long time.( ) Susan:Oh,Bob,( )and I must take care of her.Bob:That's too bad.( ) Susab:( )She can already walk a little in the room.Bob:( )but I'm glad that she's getting well soon 英语:利用所给的句子补全对话(1)A:Hi,Helen!How are you?B:Hi.Bob!( ) ( ) well,( ) ( ) .( ) ( A:I'm( ) ( ).(2)/A:What's this ( )English?B:( ) is ( )jachet. 各位大哥大姐,有一道英语排序题,小弟块晕死了,救救我!给下列对话排序A.Hi,Bob,Do you have a piano?B.The swimming club?C.Because they are relaxing.D.Yes,because I can't swim.E.Do you want to join the swimming club?F.Do you lik 初二英语补全对话Ann:HI,Bob!why are you unhappy?Bob:I____annoyed just now when i was in library.Ann:Really?I hear you like____very much.Couldn't you____the books you like?Bob:No.While I was reading.Tom talked______me.Because i wanted to be pol 英语短文填空.A:Hi,Bob.Wake up!You look ( Where did you go last Saturday?B:Hi,Mary.I ( ) to Hainan withHi,Bob.Wake up!You look ( Where did you go last Saturday?B:Hi,Mary.I ( ) to Hainan with my parents.A:How ) you trip?B:It was ( ) good.What ( ) 英语对话改写成短文帮俄把这段对话改写成作文好吗?BoB:B Lucy:L B:Hey,lucy L:hi,bob B:how was you weekend?L:It was great.B:So,what did you do?L:Weee.on Saturday morning I palyed tennis.on Saturday afternoon I weet to th 七年级英语补充对话Ⅶ.补全对话1.A:Hello!This is Alice.B:Hi,Alice.This is Bob.How’s it 66 A:Not bad.How’s the 67 there?B:It’s windy.A:What are you doing now?B:I am 68 TV at home.2.A:Hello!Dad.B:Hello!Bob.69 it going?A:Not bad.How’ 八年级英语题目求解答hi bob! i can't find my history book . have you seen it___?-sorry,i have't . why don't you ask Jim?Perhaps he's seen it.A somewhere Beverwhere C nowhere Danywhere 英语补全对话补充对话 goodmorning,bob.---------------------------longtimenosee.---------------------补充对话 goodmorning,bob.---------------------------longtimenosee.----------------------------lwenttobeijingwithmyfamily.---------------- 初一课本补全英语对话A:HI,______your name?B:My___Gina.___you Tom?A:___,I'm not.___Bob.B:HI___ ,___to meet you.A:Nice to___you,too.能不能填完整,和我发的题目一起填,答案 根据对话内容填空(英语的)A:Hi ,Jack,you looked so excited.What( )you du?B:Yesterday( )sports day.I ( )in a race.I was first.I ( )a prize.A:Congratulations,Jack.B:( )A:Peter was second. 英语补全对话 A:Hi,Mary!__________.B:Of course I have good friendsA:Hi,Mary!__________?B:Of course I have good friends.A:——————————?B:Let me see.I have more than ten good friends.A:_________________?B:Isabel.She is my 根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处填入适当的话语,是对话意思完整Bob Green:________________________?Astronaut:Six years ago,I joined NASA.Bob Green:________________________?Astronaut:I have flown in a spacecraft three tim Hi I have new girls