
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:42:13



喝pepsi能杀精吗?还是只是cola能? Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi,Diet Coke,or Diet Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi,Diet Coke,or Diet Peter likes Pepsi Cola better than Coca Cola.(保持原句意思) PEPSI Pepsi-Cola的音标各位大哥大姐一定要帮在下这个忙啦 谁知道国际名牌饮料的中文名称和英文拼写除CATORADE,SPRITE ,FINTA,NESTLE,PEPSI COLA ,HANZ,COCO COLA之外,要写出三个以上. Cola pepsi是什么意思? 夏天喝热茶还是喝冷饮更能降温? A:What can I do for you?B:I'd like some noodles.A:______ ______ would you like?B:Mutton and potatoes,please.A:Can I help you?B:I'd like a ______ of cola.A:Pepsi or Coca Cola?B:Pepsi,please. 英语作业本(1) 第三大题1.A:What can ido for you?B:I'd like some_______.A:________ ___________world.B:Motton and potato,please.2.A:Can i help you?B:I'd like a_________of cola.A:Pepsi or Coca Cola?B:Pepsi,please.3.A:What would you________ 牛奶能加热喝吗?加热喝好还是不加热喝好? 我想知道百事可乐 PEPSI的读音.是 “pei si” 还是“pei pu si” Sprite的音标Pepsi-Cola 的音标Fanta的音标n.HEDY的音标大哥大姐走过路过千万别错过,一定要帮我啊,不管您会与不会都帮个忙。 求解business structure和 business objectives在经济学文章里什么意思?包括什么内容是写一篇小论文,原题是1.Explain about the differencesor similarities of the business structures of Pepsi-Cola and Coca.2.Discuss the business 英语翻译Also,when Ran is in mortal danger,there will be a touching RanxShin flashback in which Shinichi describes differences between Pepsi and Cola and how Pepsi is better and it will give her an idea how to break free from her imprisonment.And this __two bottles of cola.用are还是is?