英语翻译The long-term unemployed still face grim odds of finding work.About 10% of long-term job seekers found work in April,the most recent month for which a detailed breakdown is available,compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:58:01
英语翻译The long-term unemployed still face grim odds of finding work.About 10% of long-term job seekers found work in April,the most recent month for which a detailed breakdown is available,compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off
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英语翻译The long-term unemployed still face grim odds of finding work.About 10% of long-term job seekers found work in April,the most recent month for which a detailed breakdown is available,compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off
The long-term unemployed still face grim odds of finding work.About 10% of long-term job seekers found work in April,the most recent month for which a detailed breakdown is available,compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off workers.The ranks of the short-term jobless are more quickly refreshed by newly laid-off workers,however.As a result,the total number of short-term unemployed has fallen more slowly in recent months,even though individual workers still stand a far better chance of finding work early in their search.
And when the long-term unemployed do find work,their new jobs generally pay less than their old ones─often much less.A recent study from economists at Boston University,Columbia University and the Institute for Employment Research found that every additional year out of work reduces workers' wages when they do find a job by 11%.
Moreover,the recent gains have yet to reach the longest of the long-term unemployed:While the number of people unemployed for between six months and two years has fallen by 12% in the past year,the ranks of those jobless for three years or longer has barely budged at all.
Patricia Soprych,a 51-year-old widow in Skokie,Ill.,recently got a job as a grocery-store cashier after more than a year of looking for work.But the job is part-time and pays the minimum wage,which she finds barely enough to make ends meet.

英语翻译The long-term unemployed still face grim odds of finding work.About 10% of long-term job seekers found work in April,the most recent month for which a detailed breakdown is available,compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off
The long-term unemployed 是主语
still face是谓语
grim odds of finding work是宾语.
About 10% of long-term job seekers 是主语
found是谓语 work是宾语 in April是状语, the most recent month 是同位语
for which a detailed breakdown is available是定语从句,
compared with about a quarter of more recently laid-off workers是定从中的状语.
The ranks of the short-term jobless是主语
are more quickly refreshed是谓语
by newly laid-off workers是状语, however是状语.
As a result是状语, the total number of short-term unemployed 是主语
has fallen more slowly in recent months是谓语,
even though individual workers still stand a far better chance of finding work early in their search是状语从句.
And when the long-term unemployed do find work是状语从句,
their new jobs是主语 generally pay是谓语 less than their old ones是宾语
─often much less是状语.
A recent study from economists at Boston University, Columbia University and the Institute for Employment Research 是主语
that every additional year out of work reduces workers' wages when they do find a job by 11%.是宾语从句
the recent gains是主语 have yet to reach是谓语
the longest of the long-term unemployed是宾语:
While the number of people unemployed for between six months and two years has fallen by 12% in the past year是状语从句, the ranks of those jobless for three years or longer 是主语has barely budged at all是谓语.
Patricia Soprych, a 51-year-old widow in Skokie, Ill.,是主语
recently got a job是谓语 as a grocery-store cashier是状语
after more than a year of looking for work是状语.
But the job 是主语is part-time and pays 是谓语
the minimum wage是宾语, which she finds barely enough to make ends meet.是非限制性定语从句