long term造句造句快 long term

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 01:10:22
long term造句造句快 long term
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long term造句造句快 long term
long term造句
造句快 long term

long term造句造句快 long term
1.In the short term we will lose money,but in the long term the profits will be very large.
2.We must aim for world peace in the long term.
3.We hope to make great profit in the long term.
4.What is the long term damage?
5.Long term/short term no problem.
6.But a long term follow-up is needed.
7.It is also chronic,meaning long term.
8.My long term vision is to get my Ph.D.
9.In the long term,that's what's all about.
10.What is the long term plan for the old town?
11.Talent is the reward of long term hard work.
12.We must aim for world peace in the long term.
13.You want to build a solid,long term business.
14.Not just for this year,but for the long term.
15.Steady growth is the key to long term success.
16.Did your last job meet your long term career goal?
17.And over the very long term,this seems to happen.
18.Provide information for long term capacity analysis.
19.The NZDUSD has also entered into a long term decline.
20.We have long term plans to expand the Chinese market.
21.In the long term we hope to make large profits on it.
22.What are the company's short and long term objectives?
23.We assigned a team on the long term strategic planning.
24.Both of us have had long term relationships with people.
25.This is shown by the narrow width of the long term GMMA.
26.You can purchase Real Estate for a long term investment.
27.The short term GMMA penetrates above the long term GMMA.
28.Of course,in the long term,home prices will rise again.
29.Thank you for your long term support of Jin Jiang Hotels.
30.Be our long term partner,let's grow our business together.
31.Resolving global warming is a long term process.

1. In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large. 短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是丰厚的。 2. We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平. 3. We hope...


1. In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large. 短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是丰厚的。 2. We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平. 3. We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。 4. What is the long term damage? 什么是长远的伤害? 5. Long term/short term no problem. 长期/短期内都没有问题。 6. But a long term follow-up is needed. 为目前较佳的非手术治疗方法,但还须进一步观察。 7. It is also chronic, meaning long term. 这可能是慢性的。 8. My long term vision is to get my Ph.D. 拿博士学位是我长期的梦想. 9. In the long term, that's what's all about. 从长远来看,幸福的意义全在于此。 10. What is the long term plan for the old town? 古城的长期计划是什么? 11. Talent is the reward of long term hard work. 才能是长期努力所获得的报酬。 12. We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。 13. You want to build a solid, long term business. 你想建立一个稳固、长期业务. 14. Not just for this year, but for the long term. 不仅仅是这个赛季,这是一个长期的计划。 15. Steady growth is the key to long term success. 稳步增长的关键在于长期的成功。 16. Did your last job meet your long term career goal? 在上任工作中,你达到你的长远工作目标吗? 17. And over the very long term, this seems to happen. 相当长一段时间来看,情况如何呢? 18. Provide information for long term capacity analysis. 长期生产能力规划分析。 19. The NZDUSD has also entered into a long term decline. NZDUSD进入了一个长期的下降。 20. We have long term plans to expand the Chinese market. 我们致力于长期合作,不断开拓国内市场。 21. In the long term we hope to make large profits on it. 从长远来看我们希望能靠它赚一大笔钱。 22. What are the company's short and long term objectives? 公司的短程及长程目标为何? 23. We assigned a team on the long term strategic planning. 我们指派了一个团队来负责长期战略计划。 24. Both of us have had long term relationships with people. 过去您曾有过那些特别关系?与我们分享故事吧! 25. This is shown by the narrow width of the long term GMMA. 这些是由顾比复合移动平均线长期组的宽度比较窄表现出来的。 26. You can purchase Real Estate for a long term investment. 你可以将房地产作为长期的投资项目。 27. The short term GMMA penetrates above the long term GMMA. 顾比复合移动平均线短期组穿透到顾比复合移动平均线长期组之上。 28. Of course, in the long term, home prices will rise again. 当然,长远来说,房价将再次上升。 29. Thank you for your long term support of Jin Jiang Hotels. 感谢您对锦江酒店长期的支持! 30. Be our long term partner,let's grow our business together. 让我们成为长期的合作伙件,使我们的事业一同成长。


Resolving global warming is a long term process. 解决全球变暖是一个长期的工作。