act like 如题.这个ACT

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act like 如题.这个ACT
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act like 如题.这个ACT
act like

act like 如题.这个ACT
You're starting to act like me, and it's really giving me a headache.
act 名词
(a) [C] thing done; deed 行为; 举动:
It is an act of kindness/a kind act to help a blind man across the street. 帮助盲人过马路是做好事.
* This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为.
[C] any of the main divisions of a play or an opera (戏剧中的)一幕: a play in five acts 一出五幕剧
* The hero dies in Act 4, Scene 3. 男主角在第4幕第3场中死去.
[C] any of a series of short performances in a programme; piece of entertainment 简短的节目; 一段表演:
a circus act 马戏表演 * a song and dance act 歌舞表演.
[C] decree or law made by a legislative body (立法机构所立的)法案, 法令: an Act of Parliament (英国议会的)法例
* Parliament has passed an act which makes such sports illegal. 议会通过了一项法例, 规定这些娱乐是非法的.
[C] way of behaving which is not genuine, but which is adopted for the effect it will have on others; pretence (used esp as in the expressions shown 假装(尤用於以下示例)):
Don't take her seriously it's all an act. 别跟她认真--完全是装腔作势. * She's just putting on an act, ie only pretending. 她只是装模作样罢了.
(idm 习语) an ,act of `God (law 律) event caused by uncontrollable natural forces, eg a storm, a flood, an earthquake or a volcanic eruption 天灾, 自然灾害(如暴风雨、 水灾、 地震或火山爆发): insure against all loss or damage excluding that caused by an act of God 承保一切损失或毁坏, 不包括天灾造成的. be/get in on the act
be/become involved in a particular activity, esp for one's own benefit or profit (尤指为自己得到好处或利益而)参与某种活动: She has made a lot of money from her business and now her family want to get in on the act too. 她在生意上赚了大钱, 现在她家里的人也要插手了.
do a disappearing act => disappear. (catch sb) in the (very) act (of doing sth) (discover sb) while he is doing sth, esp sth wrong (发现某人)正做某事(尤指坏事);
当场: I caught her in the act (of reading my letters). 我当场发现了她(正在看我的信). * In the act of bending down, he slipped and hurt his back. 他一弯腰滑倒了, 跌伤了背. read the Riot Act => read.
1 An act or action can be good or bad. *act或action用於指好事或坏事均可. The words are close in meaning and sometimes identical 这两个词词义相近, 有时完全相同: a generous act/action 慷慨之举 * the acts/actions of a monster 妖怪的举动. When speaking about general behaviour, actions is used 凡指一般的行动或行为, 可用 actions: He is impulsive in his actions. 他凭一时冲动行事. An act is often specified *act一词常伴有具体说明: Helping the homeless is an act of mercy. 帮助无家可归者是慈善行为. Deed is more formal and often refers to major acts *deed一词较文雅, 常指重大的举动: be guilty of many foul deeds 有多项恶行 * He spent his whole life doing good deeds. 他一生行善.
Exploit relates to the performance of a physical action or series of actions which are often brave or daring *exploit指体力的行为表现, 常为敢闯敢干的举动: The travellers wrote an account of their dangerous exploits in the Andes. 旅行者写了一篇叙述他们在安第斯山历险的文章.
act 动词
[I] (a) do sth; perform actions 做某事; 采取行动:
The time for talking is past; we must act at once. 没有时间再说了, 我们必须立刻行动.
* The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly. 由於医生们行动迅速, 那个女孩子得救了.
* You acted (ie behaved) wisely by/in ignoring such bad advice. 你没理会那些坏主意, 做得聪明.
(b) do what is expected of one as a professional or an official person 以专业人员的身分去做; 尽职:
The police refused to act without more evidence. 因为没有更多的证据, 警方拒绝受理.
(a) [I] perform a part in a play or film; be an actor or actress (在戏剧或电影中)演出; 当演员: Have you ever acted? 你当过演员吗? * She acts well. 她演得很好.
(b) [Ln, Tn] take the part of (a character in a play or film) 扮演(戏剧或电影中的角色): Who is acting (the part of) Hamlet? 谁扮演哈姆雷特(这个角色)?
(c) [Ln, I] pretend by one's behaviour to be a certain person or type of person 装作, 仿效(某人或某种人的行为): He's not really angry he's just acting (the stern father). 他倒不是真生气--只是装装(严父的)样子罢了.
(idm 习语) act/play the fool => fool1. act/play the goat => goat.
(phr v) act as sb/sth perform the role or function of sb/sth 充任某角色; 担任某工作: I don't understand their language; you'll have to act as interpreter. 我不懂他们的语言, 你得当翻译了. act for/on behalf of sb perform sb's duties, etc on his behalf; represent sb 代理某人的职务; 代表某人: During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs. 在她患病期间, 她的律师一直代理她的业务. act on sth
a) take action in accordance with or as a result of sth 奉行; 根据某事物: Acting on information received, the police raided the club. 警方根据所获情报, 突然搜查了那个俱乐部.
b) have an effect on sth 对某事物起作用: Alcohol acts on the brain. 酒精对大脑有影响. act sth out act a part, usu in a real-life situation and for some purpose 扮演一角色(通常於现实生活中为某种目的): She acted out the role of wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她扮作受了冤枉的情人, 好让他感到内疚.
act up (infml 口) cause pain or annoyance by functioning badly 出毛病; 犯病: My sprained ankle has been acting up badly all week. 我的脚扭伤了, 整整难受了一个星期. * The car's acting up again. 这辆汽车又出毛病了.
> acting n [U] (art or occupation of) performing parts in plays, films, TV, etc (在戏剧、 电影、 电视等中的)表演(的艺术或职业); 演技: She did a lot of acting while she was at college. 她在念大学时演过很多次戏剧.