英语翻译1.on second thoughts2.no such boy3.come to light4.come to power5.give birth to6.in case of7.come /rank first8.out of order /out of control /out of date /out of temper /out of patience /out of mind /out of money /out of question /out of re

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:08:22
英语翻译1.on second thoughts2.no such boy3.come to light4.come to power5.give birth to6.in case of7.come /rank first8.out of order /out of control /out of date /out of temper /out of patience /out of mind /out of money /out of question /out of re
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英语翻译1.on second thoughts2.no such boy3.come to light4.come to power5.give birth to6.in case of7.come /rank first8.out of order /out of control /out of date /out of temper /out of patience /out of mind /out of money /out of question /out of re
1.on second thoughts
2.no such boy
3.come to light
4.come to power
5.give birth to
6.in case of
7.come /rank first
8.out of order /
out of control /
out of date /
out of temper /
out of patience /
out of mind /
out of money /
out of question /
out of reach /
out of breath
9.in use /public
10.ahead of time
11.in debt
12.under repair
13.side by side
14.shoulder to shoulder
15.by weight
16.in place of
17.by law
18.every few days
19.catch fire

英语翻译1.on second thoughts2.no such boy3.come to light4.come to power5.give birth to6.in case of7.come /rank first8.out of order /out of control /out of date /out of temper /out of patience /out of mind /out of money /out of question /out of re
on second thoughts 进一步考虑后,仔细考虑后
no such boy 没有这样的男孩
come to light 暴露;真相大白
come to power 当权;执政
give birth to 产生,造成;生孩子
in case of 万一;如果发生;假设
come/rank first 名列第一
out of order 发生故障;次序颠倒
out of control 失去控制
out of date 过时的;过期的;废弃的
out of temper 发脾气;生气;发怒的
out of patience 失去耐心
out of mind 心不在焉;忘却;发狂
out of money 手头没钱
out of question 毫无疑问
out of reach 够不着,不在服务区
out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气
in use 在使用中
in public 公开的
ahead of time 提前;提早
in debt 负债;欠情
under repair 修理中
side by side 并肩;一起;并排
shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地
by weight 按重量;按重量计算
in place of 代替
by law 根据法律,在法律上
every few days 每隔几天
catch fire 着火

经过重新考虑 没有这样的男孩 真相大白 当权执政 生孩子 万一 名列第一
发生故障或者打乱次序 失去控制 过期的 发脾气的 失去耐心 心不在焉 手头没钱或者钱花光了。 毫无疑问 勾不着 上气不接下气 使用中/公共的 提前 负债 修理中 并肩 齐心协力或者肩并着肩 按重量计算 代替 根据法律 每隔几天 着火了...


经过重新考虑 没有这样的男孩 真相大白 当权执政 生孩子 万一 名列第一
发生故障或者打乱次序 失去控制 过期的 发脾气的 失去耐心 心不在焉 手头没钱或者钱花光了。 毫无疑问 勾不着 上气不接下气 使用中/公共的 提前 负债 修理中 并肩 齐心协力或者肩并着肩 按重量计算 代替 根据法律 每隔几天 着火了
