
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:42:56
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I really had a good summer holiday.I finished doing my homework on time and helped my parents with the housework.I also visited my grandparents and spent a week with them.My parents and I went to Hainan and spent a week there.We went boating and scuba-driving.We also climbed the mountain.We took lots of pictures there.We really enjoyed our trip to Hainan.My holiday was really wonderful.

I really had a good summer holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and helped my parents with the housework. I also visited my grandparents and spent a week with them. My parents and I went to H...


I really had a good summer holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and helped my parents with the housework. I also visited my grandparents and spent a week with them. My parents and I went to Hainan and spent a week there. We went boating and scuba-driving. We also climbed the mountain. We took lots of pictures there. We really enjoyed our trip to Hainan. My holiday was really wonderful.



英语作文:写某个假期发生了什么事,和家人是怎么样度过的快 写假期和家人游玩的英语作文 不少于5句话 写某个家人的英语作文(15句话) 作文作文啊.我和书的故事.内容要写你和书发生了什么事 英语作文,我的家人都会做什么事 写假期的英语作文 怎样写介绍自己和家人的英语作文? 放假了 用英语写一篇作文怎么过假期 国庆假期作文一件什么事 英语作文写你今昨明天做了什么事 “五一”假期(May Day)就快到了,写一篇不少于50字的英语短文,介绍你和你的家人或朋友的假期活动安排. 帮我写英语作文.关于假期生活的.如今,中学生的假期生活发生了很大的变化.假定你是李明,美国的笔友Lisa想了解中国学生现在的假期生活.请写封回信.要点如下:学习和休息非常重要;做一 初一水平英语作文,我的暑假生活,过去时写假期在家多数时间学画,偶尔去看望家人(奶奶,阿姨……)和家人一起去湖边玩过,多一些活动,70字左右,长点也没事……假期前进行军训,希望也能写 假期中,韩梅和家人去青岛玩了.在她给美国网友Lucy的邮件中,像Lucy介绍了此次游玩的情况.写一篇英语作文60词左右 记住我是初一的 不要用太难的单词和句子 我愿为此倾家荡产 英语 当汶川地震发生时你和你的家人在做什么.英语作文! 在这个假期中,我和我的家人去了青岛,那里真好玩用英语怎么说 写篇英语作文(60字)(主语是I,第一人称- -)题目是这样的:昨天晚上8点你们家发生了一个交通事故,当时你和家人正在干什么? 2008年发生了什么事作文