
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:34:51
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A:前天晚上我和她去音乐酒吧,那个酒吧每晚九点半都会有和顾客互动环节,如果有顾客可以上去和他们一起唱并得到下面的人的掌声的话就可以消费八折并且赠送香槟一瓶.那晚乐队唱的都是Sheryl Crow的歌曲,当他们开始走下来邀请顾客的时候,Linda就站起来和他们一起走上去了,而且她还要了把吉他.这确实让我们很意外.让我们更意外的就是她唱得非常动人.下面几乎所有的人都让她在唱一首.

A.The day before yesterday ,she and I went to music bar at evening,the bar had interaction part between customer every night nine-thirty ,if a customer can go up and sing together with them and get the applause of someone belowing can consume a 20% discount and be given a bottle of champagne .That night the band wa singing songs of Sheryl Crow ,when they began to walk down to invite customers,Linda stood up and went up with them and she also asked a guitar.It really made us very surprising.However ,to our more surprised is that her sing is very touching.Almost everyone underneath let her sing a song again.
B.She told me the guitar is her favorite instrument,for it's a tool that can make her speak to herself.
C.She is also very good-hearted,she remember the favourite toy that several smallest children said when we went to the orphanage.Yesterday ,the children get toys were very happy,and took turns to kissed her on the cheek.I used to think she doesn't love laugh,but when children kissed her ,her smile is really happy and beautiful.

A:I went to music bar with her the day before yesterday evening, that bar would interact link with customer at 9:30 every night, if have the customer can go up to sing with them together and get the n...


A:I went to music bar with her the day before yesterday evening, that bar would interact link with customer at 9:30 every night, if have the customer can go up to sing with them together and get the nether person of the words of applause can consume a 20% discount and present the champagne 1 bottle.The music band sings that night of is all Sheryl Crow song, when they start standing down to invite a customer, Linda stood up to go up with them together, and she still wanted a pair of guitar.This really makes us very surprised.Make us more surprised is that she sings very movingly.Below and almost all people all make her be singing 1.
B:She once said guitar with me to is the musical instrument that she likes most , because that is the tool that a can make himself/herself and oneself talk.
A:She is still very good-hearted, she remembered last time orphanage of minimum of a few kids once said of like most of toy, those kids got hold of a toy yesterday very happy, by turn kissed her cheeks.As I am always feeling before that she isn't always ready to smile, but the children kissed her cheeks she smiled really happily very beautiful.


A: the day before yesterday evening she and I go to music bar, the bar every night nine-thirty will have and customer interaction part, if A customer can go up and they sing together and to get someon...


A: the day before yesterday evening she and I go to music bar, the bar every night nine-thirty will have and customer interaction part, if A customer can go up and they sing together and to get someone below the applause of words can consume A 20% discount and giving champagne bottle. That night the band is Sheryl Crow sing songs, when they began to walk down invite customers, Linda stood up and together they went up, and she also the guitar. It really let us very surprising. Let us more unexpected is she sings is very touching. Below almost everyone gave her the sing a song.
B: she told me the guitar is her favorite instrument, for it's a can make oneself and speak for themselves the tool.
A: she is still very good-hearted, she remember the last time we went to the orphanage ?


英语翻译A:前天晚上我和她去音乐酒吧,那个酒吧每晚九点半都会有和顾客互动环节,如果有顾客可以上去和他们一起唱并得到下面的人的掌声的话就可以消费八折并且赠送香槟一瓶.那晚乐队 她前天晚上干什么了? 用英语翻译 英语翻译1、桌子上曾有两个红色的文具盒2、她昨天晚上去学校了3、他前天看见一个美丽的小姐了吗?4、今天早上,她没有洗她的鞋子5、Sam前天晚上削铅笔了 女孩腰上系的那红绳子是什么意思?前天晚上她说她带了好多年了,叫我剪短了,留给我. 前天晚上和邻居家的女孩开房把她干哭了,我该怎么办?不文明的别进, 前天晚上我刮了胡子(英语翻译) 英语翻译一,对画线部分提问.1.He is a kind man.2.He telephoned me four times a day.a kind man下画线,four times下面画线.二,翻译.1.你家乡的气候怎么样?2.你前天晚上在哪?我在牙医诊所.3.你前天晚上去哪儿了? 我感觉今天下午和前天晚上有震感, 等等在说,我现在去接我儿子.晚上一起酒吧.上海话怎么说 这个歌什么名字?【我有一辆吉普车·····】 ···前天晚上在车里等人,收音机里这首歌“我有一辆吉普车,··穿过著名的筒子河,想去喜马拉雅,可是万一可是万一”,很好听的音乐和节奏,求这 她践踏了我的尊严她告诉我,她心有所属,但是就在前天晚上.我问她为什么要和我分,她却说不知道,今天我问她,她的BF是谁,她也不告诉我,说什么不告诉我是对我好,本来我打算扇她一巴掌,她不 英语翻译:(八年级上)①你去野营愉快吗?愉快.②上个周末,你和家人在一起吗?是的.③前天有一场棒球赛吗?④她出生于1973年7月12日.⑤她十四岁时成了影星.⑥他要和父母去野营.⑦那听起来 女的这样说是什么意识?我喜欢上拉个女的,又次我约她去咖啡厅.回家后,她在Q上和我说,她的好朋友(她那朋友我也认识)问她晚上是不是和我在一起,她回答她的朋友叫她自己问我,当时我说, 女的这样说,是什么意识?我喜欢上拉个女的,又次我约她去咖啡厅.回家后,她在Q上和我说,她的好朋友(她那朋友我也认识)问她晚上是不是和我在一起,她回答她的朋友叫她自己问我,当时我说, 她说她特想告诉我她大前天和别人谈恋爱,前天晚上分手了,啥意思,(她是和他真的谈了,我知道,)关键是我也没有和她认识几天,她说她不想骗我,我说没有必要,和我又没有关系,犯不着骗我.我只 英语翻译我的女儿在周末去了康州,晚上没有回程的巴士,所以她在那停留了一晚,因此她昨天无法来上课,请见谅. 英语翻译香港哪里有有乐队的高档音乐酒吧 英语翻译.她和她家人去了.