take out怎么翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 03:43:20
take out怎么翻译
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take out怎么翻译
take out怎么翻译

take out怎么翻译





take out 1.accompany; lead or carry forth into the open air, or from a private to a public place or into society陪伴;带…出去或到公共场所等*I am going to take Smith out this evening.今晚我要陪史密斯出去。*Bob takes his wife...


take out 1.accompany; lead or carry forth into the open air, or from a private to a public place or into society陪伴;带…出去或到公共场所等*I am going to take Smith out this evening.今晚我要陪史密斯出去。*Bob takes his wife out to the theatre every weekend, but my husband hasn't taken me out for months.鲍勃每逢周末都陪同夫人去看戏,可我丈夫有好几个月没带我出门了。*If you go overseas, will you take the family out with you?假如你出国,你会带全家一同去吗?*The weather is perfect for taking the family out for a walk.这种天气带全家出来散步好极了。2.take from a place where sth. is kept取出*The students took out their textbooks and started reading.学生们拿出课本,开始阅读。*His tooth had such a large hole in it that it had to be taken out.他的牙齿上有个大洞,一定得拔掉。*The surgeon took out his appendix.外科医生切除了他的阑尾。3.purchase;apply for and obtain 领取;申请并得到*We must take out fire insurance on our home.我们务必要给家产保火灾险。*He took out a licence the day before yesterday.他前天领到了执照。*As soon as he got married he took out an insurance policy which would grarantee his wife a regular income for the rest of her life,should he die.他一结婚就申请得到一张保险单,保证在他死后他的妻子在晚年有定期的收入。*Mary and John took out a marriage licence.玛丽和约翰领了结婚证。4.remove(stain, colour, etc.)去掉(污渍、颜色等)*Have you anything that will take out this inkstain from my dress?你有什么东西可以去掉我衣服上的墨水污渍吗?*This liquid is good for taking out stains.这种液体去污渍很灵。*He took out the pencil marks from his drawing.他擦掉了他的画上的铅笔记号。5.begin to run开始跑*When the window broke, the boys took out in all directions.窗子打破时,孩子们四处跑开了。*When the wind blew his hat off,Charlie took out affter it.当帽子被风刮走时,查理跟在后面追。6.set out; start出发*He will take out for home next month.他下月启程回家。*They took out for the nearest beach.他们出发去最近的一个海滩。7.take as an equivalent; obtain or receive the value of in another form用(物)抵债*The firm agreed to take part of the debt out in goods. 这家商行同意用货物来抵掉一部分债务。*I owe you $50; can I take it out in beet and cigarattes?我欠你 50美元,可以用啤酒和香烟来抵充吗?


取出,除去; 拔掉; 把…带出去; 邀请(某人)外出

