总结短语 并写出他们的意义例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 07:59:15
总结短语 并写出他们的意义例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好
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总结短语 并写出他们的意义例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好
总结短语 并写出他们的意义
例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好

总结短语 并写出他们的意义例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好
Take a walk/rest 散步/休息
Take away 拿走 Who has taken away my dictionary?
Take back 带回、收回 The shop will take the toy back if it breaks.
Take down 拿下、记下 He climbed up the shelf and took down some books.
Please take down what I said in the classroom.
Take food/medicine 吃食物(药)
Take off脱下(上衣、帽、鞋等);拿掉;移送;起飞
You have to take off your shoes before you go to the computer room.
The plane is going to take off in 10 minutes.
Take up 从事(职业);开始学习;占去时间/空间
After he retired from work , my father took up gardening.
The table takes up much space of the room.
Take on 呈现;take on sb.雇佣
My hometown takes on a new look after ten years of hard construction.
My father takes on 3 men in his shop.
Take place发生,举行(vi)
Take care of 照顾,保管
Take sb.’s place(=take the place of)代替 His son will take his place when the president dies.
Take for认为,以为,误认为 What do you take me for?
Take out 拿出,取出,带….出去
have a tooth taken out 拔掉一颗牙
I’m taking the children out to the theatre tonight
Take sth. for granted(准许) 认为某事理所当然

Put aside 把…放在一边;撇开;储存备用
She put her needlework(针线活) aside and we had a talk.
Put away 收拾;储存备用 It is wise to put some money away for old age.
Put down 放下;削减(开支等);平定,平息(叛乱等)
Put me down at the next corner, please.
The government put down another revolt(暴乱).
Put off 推迟;拖延;脱掉
Put on 穿(戴)上;增加,增添;上演(戏剧)等
Put on fat/ weight 发胖
Anew play is being put on in the Grand Theatre.
Put out 生产;出版;熄灭
Put up 举起;建造(房屋等)搭起(帐篷等);住宿;张贴
Put up with 忍受 She couldn’t put up with the insults(侮辱)any more
Put down 写下,记下
⑴have got = have 有
⑵get to do sth. 由不…变为…
You will get to like (=come to like) the work.
⑶get hold of 抓住
⑷get rid of 除去,摆脱
⑸get along on 进行,过活;相处
⑹get away 逃掉
⑺get back 回来;收回,找回
⑻get off 起飞,(动身)离开;脱下
⑼get to 到达
⑽get up 起床
⑾get together 聚集,收集
⑿get out 出去;离开;摆脱
⒀get in a word 插话
⒁get down to 开始认真干
⒂get over 克服,摆脱
⑴give away 送掉;分发奖品等;泄露(秘密等),出卖;放弃机会
His accent gives him away as a southerner. 他的口音让人一听就知道是南方人
⑵give back = return 归还
⑶give in 屈服,让步(不接宾语,如有名词或代词应加介词to);上交
He has given in to my view. 他已经接受了我的观点.
⑷give off 发出(蒸汽,光等)
⑸give out 散发,分发;用完,耗尽,精疲力竭(不接宾语,注意区别tire out & wear out)
My leg gave out under me. 我的腿一点力气也没有了.
They tired themselves out with fruit-picking. 他们摘水果摘累了.
You look worn out. 你看上去很疲劳.
⑹give up 放弃;献出;投降;泄气
⑺give away to 听任支配;让位于;转变为
⑻give one’s regards / greeting to… 向…问好(问候)
Break down 崩溃,出毛病,不运转
Break away from 脱离(政党等),打破(陈套等),去掉
Break in (vi.) 打断(说话),插话;破门(强行)进入
Break into 破门而入,闯入;忽然化作…;突然开始
Break out (战争,火灾,疾病等)突然发生,爆发;爆炸
Break the law 违法
Break off 突然停止讲话;突然停止
Break through 突围;突破;冲垮
Take/ have a break 休息一下
Call for 请求;要求;为…而喊出;邀约;需要
Call at 访问(后接地点名词,指短暂而有目的的访问)
Call back 回电话
Call in 召集
Call on/ upon 号召;拜访,看望某人(= visit)
Call out 召集;大声叫
Call up 召唤,召集;(使)想起,回忆起;打电话
Make/ pay 啊call on sb. 拜访某人
Get a call from sb. 接到…的电话
Make/ give sb. a call 给…打电话
Carry away 运走,使失去理智
Carry off 带走;抢走;夺去…的生命
Carry on 继续;开展(着重在“进行”)
Carry out 进行;开展(着重在“完成”);贯彻;落实;执行(计划,命令)
Carry sth. too far 把某事做得过分
Carry through 进行到底;维持;使渡过难关

Be caught in (the rain, a trap) 遇(雨),陷入(全套)
Catch sb. red-handed 当场抓住某人
Catch up with 追上;赶上;抓住
Catch me (at it, doing that)! 我决不会(那样做)!
Catch me later! 待会儿来找我!

总结短语 并写出他们的意义例如 put on 穿衣服 例句 Tom is putting on his shirt 越多越好 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.例如put(主词) on/off/up(搭配词) 然后解释.再写出例句!感谢...抱歉写这些会浪费您很多的时间... 总结你所学的短语,并写出他们的意义!例子如下:主词 搭配词 解释 例句 on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.put off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off til tomorrow. 请总结你学过的短语,并写出其意义所给内容为举例 求一些英语短语要一些易混淆的英语短语 例如 put up put away put on 并附带短语意思 谢谢. 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例) 要例句主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例)主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例)主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 关于DAY的短语例如these days这些,并写出意思 总结初中英语“动词+介词”短语例如:put offput on put away等等.附加中文意思.最好按介词或动词分一下类. put的所有短语 谁有make、go、get、give、take、put的短语总结有一部分也可以, 谁帮我总结一下:几个有关“put”“take”的短语,最好有例句。 有英语学霸能帮忙总结一下有关put,take,turn,keep的短语吗? 有关英语短语的总结?谁能帮我总结下高中 get,take,put,go,come,turn 的短语, 短语 总结 人教版的 put on put off put up put down这些短语分别是什么意思!例如:turn on 打开 谁能总结一下初中英语短语,例如to do sth,doing sth.之类的