英语翻译文章是五段,前三段已经在百度找到翻译了,但现在最后两段还没有(),请各位大大帮帮住下!翻译下最后两段!FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 08:10:18
英语翻译文章是五段,前三段已经在百度找到翻译了,但现在最后两段还没有(),请各位大大帮帮住下!翻译下最后两段!FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from
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英语翻译文章是五段,前三段已经在百度找到翻译了,但现在最后两段还没有(),请各位大大帮帮住下!翻译下最后两段!FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from
FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from crime and poverty towards better schools and safer neighbourhoods in the suburbs.Now poverty is catching up with them.According to two new reports from the Brookings Institution,over the past decade the number of poor people in the suburbs has jumped by a whopping 37.4% to 13.7m,compared with some 12.1m people below the poverty line in cities.Although poverty rates remain higher in the inner cities,the gap is narrowing.
Suburban areas largely escaped during earlier downturns,but not this time.Support groups say people are using safety-net programmes,such as food stamps or unemployment insurance,who have never applied for them before.They are often making tough choices.“It’s mortgage or food,” observes Paule Pachter of Long Island Cares,a non-profit group on Long Island,one of the first destinations to be populated by escapees from the city.
In June the group opened a storefront “triage” centre on Sunrise Highway,one of Long Island’s main arteries; it is just across the road from the Freeport railway station,from which thousands of people commute to New York.People in need can use the centre to get free groceries,clothes,job training and even pet food.The numbers using the centre are exceeding forecasts by two-thirds.
The suburbs often do not have the network of social services necessary to deal with the growing numbers who are struggling.And the facilities that do exist are spread thin,often covering large areas and crossing town and county lines.Candy Hill,of Catholic Charities,relates how some suburb-dwellers in Louisiana have to drive for an hour to get to agencies based in New Orleans.Scott Allard,of Brookings,once saw a family pushing a shopping trolley along a motorway after leaving a food pantry sited in a suburban industrial estate.
The reports paint a grim picture.Poverty rates are expected to continue to increase.Non-profit organisations are having to do more with less staff and less funding.Almost a third of them have had to lay off staff because of lost grants,and one in five has had to reduce services.And with state and local governments lacking cash,more funding cuts are expected.
大家不要都拿google翻译啊.拿google翻译行的话我也不会发帖了- -b

英语翻译文章是五段,前三段已经在百度找到翻译了,但现在最后两段还没有(),请各位大大帮帮住下!翻译下最后两段!FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from

英语翻译文章是五段,前三段已经在百度找到翻译了,但现在最后两段还没有(),请各位大大帮帮住下!翻译下最后两段!FOR more than half a century,Americans have fled the cities in their millions,heading away from 英语翻译文章名称 Matching People and Organizations:Selection and Socialization in Public Accounting Firms 在百度上就能找到这篇文章, 英语翻译感觉唯一能在百度知道上找到的那个翻译太水了 英语翻译找到答案了已经,勿答哦亲 英语翻译那首歌是日英混合的,原文百度就能找到 三个人一双眼睛 文章在百度能找到,文中三次写“三个人一双眼睛,还有笑在脸上流”这句话?这样写有什么好处? 跪求帮翻译九年级英语unit13的107页第2的一封信的文章英文原文可以在百度中找到 1.5厚DSTD非固化橡胶沥青防水涂料听说是目前比较先进的防水材料之一.这种材料已经找到,感谢大家帮助;江苏负责这种材料的在百度上找到,南京崇南建设工程公司 025 87780822 英语翻译就是文章 《在黑暗中打个盹》在百度上查一下就有了 英语翻译谢谢亲爱的们,我现在已经可以在Portal上找到Project No.C13-1263 了. 英语翻译文章请在百度查询 我只要全文翻译 可以要故事梗概 全文的 英语翻译作者Efstathios Kirkos a,1,Charalambos Spathis b,*,Yannis Manolopoulos c,2 是财务会计报告舞弊方面的文章,文献在百度搜得到,是一篇9页的pdf文档,哪位学友能帮忙翻译下前三千字,或者找到译文了发 英语翻译如果在一天之内找到加分! 百度在哪里写文章快贴吧里 怎样在百度博客上写文章? 怎样在百度空间写文章 怎么在百度词典发文章 想在百度贴吧发文章,贴子,