英语倒装疑问一般倒装句都是主倒,从不倒的吗?若不是,请分情况分析下,谢谢!如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:30:40
英语倒装疑问一般倒装句都是主倒,从不倒的吗?若不是,请分情况分析下,谢谢!如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢?
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英语倒装疑问一般倒装句都是主倒,从不倒的吗?若不是,请分情况分析下,谢谢!如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢?
如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢?

英语倒装疑问一般倒装句都是主倒,从不倒的吗?若不是,请分情况分析下,谢谢!如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢?
这是高中的倒装句语法部分,不是简单的一定是谁倒装,而是有规则的.我把去年我的英语课件复制给你了 我去年高考完了
1. 当句首是here,there,up,down,out,in,off,away,back等表示方向的副词和时间副词now,then,这时谓语动词多是rush,run,come,go,lie等不及物动词,且主语为名词时
e.g.In came the doctor.
There goes the bell.
Then came the chairman.
Out he rushed,with a stick in his hand.
e.g.On top of the hill stands a big pine tree.
Under the tree were some children,happily playing football.
e.g.Present at the meeting was Professor Li.
Gone are the days when we Chinese were looked down upon.
4.There be 句型,there为引导词,be动词之后为句子的主语,be应与主语保持一致.除be以外,能与there连用的动词还有seem,exist,happen,appear,live,stand等.
e.g.There were a lot of people in the park last Sunday.
Once there lived a king who was cruel to his people.
注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能全部倒装.Here he comes.Away they went.
1. 当句首是否定或否定意义的词或短语,如never,not,no,neither,nor,little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,few,,nowhere,no longer,in no way(决不),on no account(决不),in no case(决不),in no time (立刻).
e.g.Never have I heard of that place before.
Seldom does he spend his time playing computer.
“not a+名词”或“not a single+名词”结构,将其置于句首时,
Not a word did he say at the last meeting.
e.g.Only in this way can we solve the problem.
Only when you told me did I know his name.
e.g.Only Uncle Wang knows how it happened.
3.表示对前者的陈述也适用于后者时,肯定倒装用so+ 助动词/情态动词+后者,否定用neither/ nor +助动词/情态动词+后者
e.g.If she doesn’t go there tomorrow,neither/ nor will I.
4.so 及so+形容词/副词置于句首时
e.g.So frightened was he that he didn’t dare to move.
So quietly did she speak that we could not hear a word.
5.such及 such+形容词+名词置于句首时
e.g.Such good players are they that they often win.
6.由not only…but also…引起的并列句,若将not only置于句首时,该分句应部分倒装,but also引导的分句不倒装.而由neither…nor引起的并列句,两个分句都要倒装.
e.g.Not only did he give me some advice,but also he lent me some money.
Neither does he watch TV,nor does she see films in the evening.
7.由连词No sooner…than,Scarcely…when,Hardly…when引起的主从复合句,主句应倒装,从句不倒装.主句用过去完成时,从句过去时.
e.g.No sooner had he gone to bed than he fell asleep.
Hardly had I got into the classroom when it began to rain.
8.not until引起的时间状语置于句首时,主句的主谓应部分倒装,从句语序不变.
e.g.Not until father came back did we begin to have supper last night.
It was not until father came back that we began to have supper last night.
e.g..Were I you,I would go there tomorrow.
1. As/though引导的让步状语从句,可将表语或状语置于句首,但主谓不颠倒顺序.
e.g.Tired as/though he is,he is still working.
Carefully as/though she listened,she didn’t catch a word.
e.g.Child as/though he is,he knows a lot.
2.However,no matter how修饰形容词或副词要前置,用以加强语气,该让步状语从句的主谓不倒装.
e.g.However hard the problem is,I am determined to work it out.
No matter how heavily it was raining outside,he insisted on going there.
e.g.May god bless you!
May you succeed!
Long live the Communist Party!

全部倒装:out rushed the boy. 部分倒装:have you ever seen the movie? 倒装句常见于疑问句中,there be结构中,地点或时间状语位于句首,主语为名词而谓语为be,go,come等不及物动词的陈述句,等等。not only...but also... 是否定意义的短语,位于句首是需要倒装的。...


全部倒装:out rushed the boy. 部分倒装:have you ever seen the movie? 倒装句常见于疑问句中,there be结构中,地点或时间状语位于句首,主语为名词而谓语为be,go,come等不及物动词的陈述句,等等。not only...but also... 是否定意义的短语,位于句首是需要倒装的。

