介词填空这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?2.All of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 17:10:03
介词填空这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?2.All of
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介词填空这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?2.All of
这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!
1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?
2.All of them are important and this one (in) particular.
3.Jack's brother works in Scotland (with) a big company.

介词填空这三道题为什么会填这几个介词?是固定搭配吗?Thank you!1.It is considered safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write (out) chechs to pay for your larger purchases.为什么不是write down呢?2.All of
write down是指写下来啊,比如老师说了一个重要的知识你要做笔记,把老师说的记下来;而write out是写出,对于支票它不是一种信息的记录,而是……啊啊,怎么说呢,就有点像填表格那样的感觉,它本身是一个空白的支票,你知道怎样去填它它才会有用,这样一个意思.
in particular 介词做定语修饰one.如果不用IN就一定要加IS.