有一句英语语法不理解who had a great influence on china 为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:41:42
有一句英语语法不理解who had a great influence on china 为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at
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有一句英语语法不理解who had a great influence on china 为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at
who had a great influence on china
为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at

有一句英语语法不理解who had a great influence on china 为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at
这个是指对中国有极大的影响力,是指对象是China,而不是地点范围在中国内 而且have an influnce on 是一个短语,表示.对.产生重要影响,有重要影响 on后面加被影响的事物,也就是对象,要拆开看,have a great influence on/China而不是have a great influence/on China 句子中的Who是指发起影响的人,而on后面是指被影响的对象中国,所以用搭配中的on,而不是in(in表示地点,或者限定范围,在中国,不能用于形容和突出影响的对象,并且没有at 这个搭配)

有一句英语语法不理解who had a great influence on china 为什么用 on 加china 不能用 in at Who had a birthday party?我不确定 高中英语语法 单选介词After graduation,Frank often thought of those who had helped him ________ his school life.A.of B.across C.at D.through 选C不行的原因是什么. 再请教几道高中英语语法题,说明理由?3,Who would you rather__C_______with you,him or her?A,went B,have gone C,have go D,go4,He had hoped to get help from the people _C____but he was turn down.A,pass by B,who passing by C,who passed by D, 英语语法:many a person is playing basketball.这里面的语法知识是什么?极其不理解啊这句话没有错 there lived a king who had a daughter是什么意思? 英语语法:After I had had lunch at a village pub,I l英语语法:After I had had lunch at a village pub,I looked for my bag.句中为什么要用两个had? You are my best friend who never had a good A man who had to see the boss是什么从句 Who had a rest under a tree?英译中Finally,Who was the winner 英译中 He had a lot of friends ,only a few of ____ invited to his wedding.A whom B them C which D who 老师说答案是B 说是独立主格结构 但是我还是不理解 老师也讲不清楚 还有解释下独立主格结构的这个用法 让我能掌 一个英语语法 关于 whohe was an old man who fished alone in skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.请问 1 这个是个什么句子?2 who引导什么从句?3 fished为什么要加ed?4 整个句子 who had 是什么意思 I cried because I had no shoes,Then I met a man who had no feet. 怎么回答Who had a yard sale yesterday?,是用 I had ,还是I did.为什么? Who had a yard sale yesterday afternoon?I _____A does B did C was D had Harry,who had failed in the final exam,had a great worry ______ his mind. Hardly ____ down when he stepped in.A.had I sat B.had she fallen C.she had fell D.had she fell 我不理解,我到觉得A更好,