填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:49:56
填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes.
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填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes.
填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.
3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes.

填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes.
1 Look--at--the flowers.They are white.look at "看"的意思
2 Sit--in--the chair,please.sit in the chair是指坐在有把手的椅子上
3 l like--to--play--with--my yellow ball like和play都是动词,中间用to分隔,play with 玩……
4 One,two.put---on-----my shoes.put on是“穿上”的意思(是从一首儿歌上选的一句话;one,two,put on my shoes,three,four,open the door;five,six,pick up sticks,seven,eight,open the gate,nine,ten,do it again.)

1. at 2.in 3. with 4. away

1 Look--at--the flowers.They are white. look at "看"的意思
2 Sit--on--the chair,please. sit on the chair是指坐在椅子上
3 l like--to--play--with--my yellow ball like to do sth 喜欢做某事,具体到一次性动作...


1 Look--at--the flowers.They are white. look at "看"的意思
2 Sit--on--the chair,please. sit on the chair是指坐在椅子上
3 l like--to--play--with--my yellow ball like to do sth 喜欢做某事,具体到一次性动作的时候用,习惯性的喜欢做某事用like doing sth, play with 玩……
4 One,two.put---on-----my shoes. put on是“穿上”的意思(是从一首儿歌上选的一句话;one,two, put on my shoes, three,four, open the door;five,six, pick up sticks,seven,eight, open the gate, nine,ten, do it again.)


1,Look at the flowers,They are white.
2,Sit on the chair ,please.
3,playing, like doing sth 喜欢做某事
4,on put on 穿上

填入适合的介词 完成句子 1 Look----the flowers.They are white.2 Sit----the chair,please.3 l like----play----my yellow ball 4 One,two.put--------my shoes. 填入合适的介词,完成句子.sit. ()the.chair.please I Like ____play____my yellow ball填入介词完成句子 在横线上填入适当的介词完成句子There is a pay phone___________ from the street 在括号里填入适当的介词完成句子Men love bright,hot colors ( )yellows,oranges,purples. 用适当的介词填空完成句子 1.填上合适的介词:What____this blue one?Your daughter look nice___blue.Thank you,but i like the colour____the one.Oh,you like nice_____light blue.2.填入合适的单词完成句子:1.I can not find my dog,we ned help,let's go to the ____.2.I d 填入适当的介词或副词Look!The child is sitting _____ his parents. 1)We cannot live without air or ------------.填入相应的单词,完成句子. 填入适当的词、短语,句子,完成对话 在横线上填入适当的我句子完成对话 再横线上填入适当的句子完成对话 根据情景,填入适当的句子完成对话 带有介词to的不定式的句子,五句to 为介词,如look forward to I like PE.How___you用合适的介词完成句子 There are some kites in the sky.some of the them look ( ) birds在括号里填入合适的介词! 填入适当的介词使句子完整正确 I haven't seen her ____her illness. 下面的句子需要填入什么介词?There's a telephone call ()your mother .