谁能告诉我一些英语缩写语比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/02 11:11:17
谁能告诉我一些英语缩写语比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,...
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谁能告诉我一些英语缩写语比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,...
比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,...

谁能告诉我一些英语缩写语比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,...
ASAP= As soon as possible尽快
BF =Boyfriend 男朋友
BTW= By the way 随便说一下
BBL= Be back later 稍后回来
BRB=Be right back 很快回来
CU= See you 再见
CUL= See you later 下次再会
DIIK= Damned if I known 我真的不知道
DS= Dunce smiley 笨伯
FE= For example 举例
FTF= Face to face 面对面
FYI= For your information 供参考
GF= girlfriend 女朋友
IAE= In any event无论如何
IC= I see 我明白
ILY= I love you 我爱你
IMHO= In my humble opinion 依愚人之见
IMO= In my opinion 依我所见
IOW= In other words 换句话说
LOL= laughing out loudly 大声笑
NRN= No reply necessary 不必回信
OIC= Oh, I see 哦,我知道
PEM= Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件
RSVP= Reply if you please 请答复
TIA= Thanks in advance 十分感谢
TTUL= Talk to you later 以后再讲
TY= Thank you 谢谢
VG= very good 很好
WRT= With respect to 关于
WYMM= Will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗
2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be
4ever Forever
A/S/L Age/Sex/Location
WCA Who Cares Anyway
WDYS What Did You Say?
WDYT What Do You Think?
WE Whatever
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
WG Wicked Grin
WGAFF Who Gives A Flying Fuck
WIIFM What's In It For Me?
WIT Wordsmith In Training
WITFITS What in the Fuck is this Shit
WOG Wise Old Guy
WRT With Regard To
WTF What The Fuck
WTG Way To Go!
WTSDS Where The Sun Don't Shine
WYP What's Your Problem?
WYRN What's Your Real Name?
WYS Whatever You Say
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get ***
WYT Whatever You Think
YA Yet Another
YA yaya Yet Another Ya-Ya (as in yo-yo)
YAFIYGI You Asked For It You Got It
YDKM You Don't Know Me
YGBK You Gotta Be Kiddin'
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YNK You Never Know
YOYO You're On Your Own
YR Yeah Right
YSYD Yeah, Sure You Do
YTTT You Telling The Truth? ***
YYSSW Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever

f2f=face to face

谁能告诉我一些英语缩写语比如btw=by the way,ttyt=talk to you later,... 关于英语聊天简写的问题?我发现很多外国人聊天简写,所以很多时候弄得我不知道什么意思 比如what's up=wuts up by the way=BTW 等等 谁能给出一些常见的缩写好让我稍微学习一下 谢谢,尽 谁能告诉我一些英语缩写词的意思?越多越好. 谁能告诉我一些常见的英语网络缩写用语,icq上经常出现的?比如ppl,asl,lol什么的,越多越好 请问服装英语缩写BTW是什么?at BTW BK MESH AND BK SKIRT 谁能把英语中所有的缩写和所有的不定代词告诉我缩写就是比如I AM I`M这样的 谁能告诉我(企业部门的一些英文缩写)谢谢有没有缩写的 谁能告诉我星期一至星期日的英语缩写 像BTW是by the way这样类似的缩写.要全一点.FYI=for your information这样类似的.口语化的.缩写. 网聊英语缩写谁能告诉我网聊的英语缩写啊,全一点哦, 谁能告诉我一些英语俚语? 谁能告诉我这段英文的缩写怎么写.大家谁帮我把prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix这段英文的缩写,意思我知道,这段英文的缩写,比如China Central Television的缩写是CCTV就是CCTV这样的缩写 谁能告诉我一些猫扑词语缩写?求大神帮助多多益善啊 ! 英文缩写BTW什么意思 btw是什么的缩写RT 谁能告诉我所有的词性缩写? ‘BTW’英语全称是什么 谁能告诉我一些关于英语的励志格言