
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 08:39:01
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break down损坏;瓦解;(组织、计划等彻底毁坏)
break into闯入;强行进入
break off中止;中断
break out逃出;突然发生,爆发
bring about导致;引起
bring forward提出;提议
bring to使恢复知觉
bring up教育,培养,使成长
call at访问,拜访
call for邀请;要求,需要
call off放弃,取消
call on/upon访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
carry on继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营
carry out贯彻(理论等),执行(计划等);实现(目标等)
come across(偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见;偶遇
come on开始;进展;上演;来吧,快点
come out出版;结果是(to be);出现,长出
come through经历,脱险
come to总计,达到;苏醒,复原
come up发生;走近,上来
cut across抄近路,走捷径
cut down (on)削减,降低
cut off阻断;切断,使隔绝
drop by/in顺便来访(无意的)
fall back on求助于,转而依靠
fall behind落后
fall in with碰见;符合,与.一致
get across解释清楚,使人了解
get along/with有进展;生活得,过得
get at够得着,触及;意思是,理解
get away离开,走开,逃脱
get by混过;通过,经过
get down to开始,着手(此处to为介词)
get in进入;收回,收获
get out of逃避;改掉
get rid of除去,摆脱
get through接通电话;度过(时间等);结束,完成
get together集合,聚集
give away泄露,分送
give back送还;恢复
give in交上;投降,屈服
give up停止,放弃
give way to给...让路,对...让步(含屈服的意思)
go after追求,求爱
go around/round足够分配;流传
go by(时间等)过去;遵守,遵循
go in for从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于
go into研究,调查,进入
go over复习,重温;(重复)检查,审查
go through经历,经受(困难等)
hand in交上,递交
hand out散发,(平均)分发,发给
hold back阻止,抑制
hold on继续,不挂断,握住不放
keep on保持,继续不断
keep up with向...看齐,跟上
lay aside把...搁置在一边;储蓄
lay off休息;(临时)解雇
lay out布置,安排;设计,制定
let alone不干涉;更不用说
let down放下,降低;使失望
live on(动物)以...为食;(人)靠...生活
look after照顾,照料;注意,关心
look back回头看;回顾,记忆
look down on/upon看不起,轻视
look forward to盼望,期待
look into调查,观察
look out留神,注意
look through仔细查看;浏览,温习
make out辨认出;理解
make up组成,构成;捏造,编造;化妆,补充
pay back偿还,回报
pay off还清(债);取得成功
pick out选出;拣出
pick up拾起;(车)中途搭(人)
pull in(车)停下,进站;(船)到岸
pull off脱(帽、衣等)
pull on穿(帽、衣等)
put across/over解释清楚,说明
put aside储存,保留
put down记下,放下;镇压,评定
put forward提出
put off推迟
put on上演;(体重)增加;穿上,戴上
put out熄灭;关(灯);生产;伸出;出版;公布,发布
put up建造,搭起;张贴;提(价);提供食宿
run down追捕;贬低;(逐渐)减少;(逐渐)变弱;撞倒,撞沉
run out (of)用完,耗尽
run through游览;贯穿,普遍存在于
see off给...送行
see to注意,负责,照料;修理
set about开始,着手
set down记下,记入,放下,卸下
set off动身,出发;引起,使发生
set up创立,建立,树立;资助
show off卖弄,炫耀
stand by支持;袖手旁观;做好准备
stand for代表,意味着;支持;是...的缩写
take after(在托愿竦确矫妫┯耄母)相像
take ... for把...认为是,把...看成为
take off起飞;脱下;匆匆离开
take over接收,接管;借用,承袭
take to对...产生好感;开始喜欢;开始从事
take up开始从事;占去,占据
turn down拒绝;关小,调低
turn out结果是,(最后)证明是,制造,生产,关掉
turn over仔细考虑
turn to变成;求助于,借助于
turn up开大,调大;出现,来到
wait for等候
wait on服侍,侍候
watch out (for)密切注意,提防
wear out穿破;磨损;(使)耗尽
wonder at对...感到惊讶
work at从事于,致力于
work out算出;想出,制定出,解决
worry about(使)担心,(使)发愁
write down写下, 把...描写成
write off注销,勾销,取消
yield to屈服,服从

(be) about to刚要,即将
(be) absorbed to专心于
account for说明(原因等)
(be) accused of控告,谴责
acquaint with熟悉,熟知
adapt to(使)适应,适合;改编,改写
add to增添,增加;补充说
add up to合计达,总计
adhere to附着,粘着
adjust to(使)适应于,把...调节到
agree to(+物)同意,赞成
agree with(+人)同意,赞成
aim at瞄准,对准;旨在
allow for考虑到
amount to合计,共计,等于
answer for对...负有责任
aplolgize to sb. for sth.为...而向...道歉
appeal to诉诸,求助
apply for申请,请求
approve of赞成,同意;批准,核准
arise from由...引起,由...产生
arrive at到达(小地方);达成,得出
arrive in到达(大地方)
ask after探问,问候
ask for询问,要求
assign to指派,选派
associate with使联系,使联合;交往
attach to系上,贴上;使附属,使依恋
attempt at企图,努力
attend to照顾,护理;专心于
attribute to把...归因于,归咎于
back up支持,援助;后退
bear/keep in mind记住
begin with从...开始
believe in相信,信任
belong to(在所有权关系等方面)属于
benefit from受益,获益
blame for/on责备;因...而受到责备
boast of/about自夸,夸耀,吹牛
build up积累,堵塞;树立
burn out烧光,烧毁;烧起来
burst out+ n. 爆发,突然发作
burst out+ V-ing 爆发,突然发作
care for照顾,照料;喜欢;宠爱
catch up with赶上
check in办理登记手续
check out记账后离开;检验,核查
cheer up高兴,振作
clear away把...清除掉,收拾
clear up使变清;放晴;清理
combine with结合,联合,化合
comment on评论
communicate with与...通讯;交流
compare to比较,对比;把...比作
compensate for补偿,赔偿
complain about/of抱怨,申诉
compy with照做,遵照,应允
conceive of想像,设想
concentrate on集中,专心
(be) concerned with关心,挂念,从事于
(be) concerned with关心,挂念,从事于
as far as ... be concerned就...来说
confine to/with限制
conflict with冲突,抵触
congratulate on祝贺,向...致祝词
consent to同意,赞成
consist of由...组成
consist in在于;存在于
consult with商量,商议
contrast with对比,和...形成对照
contribute to捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿
control over控制,支配
convert to变化,变换,转换
convice of使确信,使信服
cope with对付,应付
correspond to相当,相类似
correspond with相符合,成一致
count on倚靠,指望
count up算出...的总数,共计
cover up掩饰,掩盖
cure of治愈,医治;矫正
deal in经营
deal with处理,论述,涉及
dedicate to奉献,把...用在
deduce from演绎,推断
define ... as把...定义为
depend on/upon依靠,信赖,取决于
derive from起源,衍生
despair of对...绝望
deviate from背离,偏离
devote to致力于,把...奉献给
die down变弱,逐渐消失
die out消失,灭绝
differ from不同
differ with与...意见不同
direct to/at把...对准,针对
disagree with不同意,不一致
disappoint at/with对...失望
discharge from排出;流出;释放;解雇;出院
dispose of处理,销毁,去掉
distinguish from区别, 识别,辨别,辨认
distribute over散布
divide by除
do away with废除,除掉
do without没有...也行
double up弯着身子;把...折起来
draw in(黄?到站
draw on动用,利用
draw up起草,制订
dress up打扮,穿上盛装
engage in使从事于,使忙于
equip with装备,配备
exchange for交换,调换,兑换
experiment on/with进行实验
expose to使暴露,受到;使曝光
face up to大胆面向
feed on/with向...提供,以...为食
feel for摸索,摸索着寻找
figure out计算出;领会到
fill in/out填充,填写
find out查明,发现
free of/from无...的,免去...
focus on(使)聚焦,(使)集中
frown upon皱眉
glance at/over提到,影射,扫视
guard against提防, 预防,防止,防范
hang about/around闲荡,闲呆着
hang on坚持;不挂断;抓紧不放
hang on to紧紧抓住
hang up挂断(电话)
have on穿着,戴着
head for(使)朝...行进,(使)走向
head on迎面的,正面的
hear of/about听到
hear from收到...的(来信)
can/could not help禁不住,忍不住
hinder from阻止,妨碍
hurry up匆匆完成,(使)赶快
identify with认为...等同于
impose on把...强加给;利用,欺骗
impress on印,留下印象
improve on/upon改进,超过
inform of/about通知,告诉
inform against/on告发,检举
inquire of/about询问,打听,调查
insist on/upon坚决要求,坚持
interfere in/with干涉,介入;妨碍,干扰
involve in卷入,陷入;牵涉,包含
knock down击倒,撞倒
knock out击倒,击昏
laugh at因...而笑,嘲笑
lead to导致,通往
learn of听到,获悉
learn from向...学习
leave alone不干涉
leave behind留下,忘记带
leave for动身去
leave off(使)停止
leave out遗漏,略去
lie in在于
limit to限制,限定
line up排成一行
long for渴望,极想
major in主修,专攻
meet with遇见,碰到
mistake for把...误认为
mix up搅匀;混淆,搞混
model on/after模仿
multiply by乘以
name after给...取名,命名
object to反对,不赞成
occur to被想到,被想起
operate on开动;动手术
originate in/from起源,发生;首创
owe to应把...归功于
participate in参与,参加
pass away去世
pass on传授,传递
persist in坚持不懈,执意;持续
persuade of(使)相信
piece together拼合,拼凑
plunge into纵身投入,跳入;猛冲;使突然陷入
point out指出
prefer to更喜欢,宁愿
preside at/over主持
prevail over取胜,占优势;盛行
prevent from预防,防止
profit by/from得利,获益
provide sb. with sth.提供,供给
provide sth. for sb.提供,供给
quarrel about/over争吵,口角
range over论及,涉及
react against反应,起反作用;反抗
read about/of读到
reason with理喻,与...评理,劝告
recover from痊愈,恢复;重新获得
refer to参考,查阅;涉及,提到
refer to ... as把...称做,把...当做
regard ... as把...看做,认为
register with注册,登记
relate to有关联
rely on/upon依靠,依赖
remark about/on评论,议论
remember to向...致意,代...问候
remind sb. of sth.使想起
remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事
reply to回答,答复
report to报导,报告
resign to辞职,辞去,放弃;托付给
resort to求助;诉诸于,采取,凭借
respond to响应,回答
rest on依靠,依赖;被搁在, 停留在
restrain from阻碍,控制,抑制
result from起因于,由...产生,因...而造成
result in导致,结果是
ring off挂断电话, 走掉, 离开
ring up打电话; 把(款项)记入现金记录机, 登录
rob of抢劫,盗取
scrape through勉强通过
search for寻找,探查;搜查, 搜索
seek after/for寻找,追求,探索,试图,企图
select from挑选,选择
send for召唤,派人去请,派人去拿;函索
send in递送,呈报,呈送,递交
send off寄出, 邮寄,发送,派遣, 解雇, 给...送行
separate from(使)分离;(使)分开
settle down定居; 平静下来, 专心于;解决,调停
settle to静下心来
shake off抖落,摆脱,甩掉
share in分享,分担
share with分与,分派,分配,分享,共用
side with支持,站在...的一边, 和...抱同样的见解
slow down/up(使)放慢,减速
smell of有...的气味,有...的味道
specialize in擅长于,专门研究,专攻
speed up加速
stem from起源于
step on踩,踏上
stick to粘在...上,粘住;坚持,信守
subject to使服从,使遭受
submit to使服从,使受到,服从,屈服,忍受,顺从;呈送,递交
substitute for代替...,替换...,取代...
subtract from减去
succeed in在...方面成功
suffer from忍受,遭受;使痛苦,患病;受损失
sum up计算...的总数,概括,总结
surrender to投降,自首
switch off切断,(用开关)关掉
switch on接通,(用开关)开起
sympathize with同意,同感;同情,怜悯,共鸣
talk over详尽地商议,商量,讨论,说服,议论
taste of有...味道,体验,感到
tell from区别,辨别,认出
think better of重新考虑决定不做,较高评价,认真考虑;经考虑对...改变看法
think of考虑,关心;想一想,想起,想象,有...的看法,记起
think of ... as把...看做是,认为...是
think over仔细考虑,重新考虑
throw away丢弃,扔掉,抛弃;浪费(金钱等)
touch on略微谈到,谈及,提及
try on试穿,试验
try out试用,试验,考验,提炼
turn in (to)上床睡觉,上缴,出卖,把...向内折,告发,收听

last week
go to the theatre
have a good seat
enjoy the play
talk loudly
get angry
hear the actors
turn round
pay any attention


last week
go to the theatre
have a good seat
enjoy the play
talk loudly
get angry
hear the actors
turn round
pay any attention
in the end
can’t bear sth
can’t hear a word
It’s none of your business
on Sundays
stay in bed
look out of the window
what a day
the telephone rang
arrive by train
I’m coming to do sth.
dear me
spoil the holidays
visit museum
The public garden
a few words of Italian
lend sb a book
read a few lines
think about sth
my holidays pass
send cards to sb
on the last day
make a big decision
spend the whole day in…
didn’t write a single card
receive a letter from
work for a big firm
visit some places
a number of sth(可数名词)
an Australian car
in the centre of Australia
will soon do sth
from here/there
fly to some places
be abroad
find the trip { exciting
be + 数词miles from…
get a telephone for…
carry message from…to…
a great many + n
request for sth
spare parts
urgent messages
cover the distance
sent requests to sb
telephone service
move to/ into / out
knock at the door
ask sb for sth
a meal
a glass of beer
in return (for)单独使用或加for之后加名词
stand on one’s head
put sth in the pocket
a piece of cheese
go away
tell sb about sth
call{ at +地点
on +人
once a month
ask for a meal
at the airport
all morning 注意没冠词
expect sth
a parcel of sth
valuable diamonds
a few hours earlier
the main building
on the airfield / at the airport
take sth off…
carry the parcel into
the Customs House
keep guard(at the door)
two others
to one’s surprise
enter for the competition
win the competition
neat paths
a bridge over a pool
hard work
garden competition
win a little prize
the town hall
a large crowd of people
people gather together
the Town Hall clock
strike twelve
in twenty minutes’ time
the minute hand
refuse to welcome sth
at that moment
musical instrument
be made in…
be kept in the living room
belong to
damage sth
play jazz on the piano
strike the keys too hard
the strings are broken
allow sb to do sth
be being repaired
a friend of my father’s
1. a good turn
2. have dinner
3.at a restaurant
4.sb comes in
5.work in a lawyer’s office
6. years ago
7.work at a bank
8.get a good salary
9.pay sth back
10.sit at the table
11.pay for sth
sail from / across
meet sb
at the harbour
early in the morning
a famous little boat
many times
set out…
plenty of time
say goodbye to sb
be away
take part in a race
1.a group of…
2.at present
3.visit all parts of the country
4.will be { doing 注意这种时态的意义
coming / trying
5.at the station
6.tomorrow evening
7.at the workers’ club
8.during this time
9.give five performances
10.as usual
11.have a difficult time
12.keep order
13.on these occasions
an amusing experience
in the south of France
drive on to
on the way
wave to sb
ask sb for a lift
as soon as
get into the car
he replied in the same language
apart from


pick up:接送,捡起
let sb. down:让某人失望
go to bed:去睡觉
go over:复习
look after:照顾
take care :保重
a piece of :一块,一片