
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:31:38
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故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会.当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声.中上层社会各式各等人物,都忙着争权夺位,争名求利,所谓“天下攘攘,皆为利往,天下熙熙,皆为利来”,名利、权势、利禄,原是相连相通的.夏普出身于一个贫民家庭,贫穷的生活使年幼的夏普过早的成熟起来.尽管贫穷,她 却从未放弃对生活的追求.也正是在这样的资本主义社会中,在这样的男权社会下,夏普想要跻身上流社会的欲望也更加强烈,她不惜利用种种计谋甚至以色相引诱、巴结权贵豪门,不择手段往上爬.这个人物并不邪恶,也不善

It's very popular story originated from the British upper society in the 19th century.The country strong,industry and commerce developed by crushing colonies or exploited Labour and a rich merchant who is in charge of the society,the two countries to fight the war also rang with guns.An upper-middle-class all kinds of various characters,such as are all busy to fight,fight for fame and profit,the so-called "bustling world,all for,bustling world,all is a benefit",fame and wealth,power,fortune,were connected mutually.Sharp is from a poor family,poor life made young sharp early to mature.Though poor,she never give up the pursuit of life.It was also in the capitalist society,under the patriarchal society,sharp want among the high society desire is more intense,she would use a variety of devices and even to hue seduce,curry favor with powerful giants,climb by hook or by crook.This is not an evil character,also is not good,but very rich the milk of human kindness,can say she is a product of the era.

The story is based on the upper classes of society is very busy in the UK in nineteenth Century. When a nation, industry and commerce developed, by pressing the colonial or exploitation of labor and w...


The story is based on the upper classes of society is very busy in the UK in nineteenth Century. When a nation, industry and commerce developed, by pressing the colonial or exploitation of labor and wealthy merchants rich dominate the society, Britain and France for war but also sounded a cannon at. The upper classes of society in all kinds of characters, are busy jockeying for position, for profit, the so-called "the world, to the benefit of both, the world hee hee, are to benefit", fame, power, wealth and position, is connected with. Sharp was born in a poor family, poor life made the young Sharp early mature. Though poor, but she never give up the pursuit of life. It is also in the capitalist society, in such a patriarchal society, Sharp want among the upper class society desire is more intense, she would use a variety of strategies even in hue tempted, with powerful giants, use unscrupulous divisive tactics climb. This figure is not evil, is not good
Good, but very rich in the milk of human kindness, can be said that she is a product of the times.


Story was derived from 19th century of the busy middle and upper class.

英语翻译故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会.当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声.中 《扁鹊治病》取材于?时名医扁鹊的传说故事. 【扁鹊治病】取材于( )时名医扁鹊的传说故事 西游记取材于什么朝取经的故事. 英语翻译这个句子 这部电影取材于三个年轻人的学习,友谊和创业的真实故事为 英语翻译而在传统悲剧故事中,正如亚里士多德在其著作《诗学》中论及悲剧时提到:“最好的悲剧应该取材于少数几个家族的故事.” In the classical tragedy,as Aristotle mentioned when talking about traged 西游记取材于历史上什么的真实故事 英国十九世纪的银行券 Bank Note 豫剧《花木兰》的故事取材于南北朝的( )又称( )快! 扁鹊治病取材于( )时期名医( )的传说故事. 十九世纪英国饮食特色关于十九世纪时英国贵族饮食方面的特色, 扁鹊治病 取材于()时期名医扁鹊的传说故事.故事以()的悲惨结局,警示人们要( “这是一个从真实生活中取材的一个真实故事”的英文翻译 这是一个从真实生活中取材的真实故事用英语怎么说 从现实生活中取材,给同学们讲一则寓言类的小故事 中国传统戏曲常从古典文学中吸取营养,京剧-失空折-就取材于-三国演义-中的三个故事,依次是-- -- -- . 取材于“读书”的 成语至少三个! 天上的街市取材于什么的传说