People's standard of living__(improve) these years.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 00:54:39
People's standard of living__(improve) these years.
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People's standard of living__(improve) these years.
People's standard of living__(improve) these years.

People's standard of living__(improve) these years.
has improved

People's standard of living__(improve) these years. With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standard是什么意思 A great deal of work has been done to impreve the people`s living standard. people's living standard 这里standard不用复数么?它不可数? 《中华人民共和国国家标准》的英文是什么?If National Standards of the People's Republic of China or State Standards of the People's Republic of China are correct?Or,there's only one standard answer besides above mentioned? standard of With the elevation of people's standard of living,cosmetics always()a favorite+topic,especially among women.A.has become B.becomes C.become D,have become 英语翻译Industry standard of the people,by the people,for the people. the peoples living standard has greatly been___.the price of rice has __(raised risen)为什么不填risen arisen? 英语翻译这是我写的 行么With the advancing of life quality,people’s pursuits are going to change.People’s pursuits are changing time by time following with the rise of living standard.大家看看这样好不好 Working at home and using computers and telephones is better than working in officeWith the rapid development of society and technologies,there has been remarkable improvement of people’s living standard..Nowadays,people enjoy a higher living stand People's Republic of Who do you think is more responsible for pollution,individual people or the government?Why?second question:How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people's standard of living?please speak English.Thank you! It is apparent that people's living standard has been greatly improve. The peoples living standard has greatly been ( )解释为什么为什么用risen????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The governments are committed ___ the cause of improving the people’s living standard.A、to B、of C、for D、away应该选哪个?为什么.请说详细点, Standard and non-standard rooms of 13 the standard of success