Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 04:07:06
Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people
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Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people
Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people

Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people

学习了死的身体改善他的画的人的画家是谁 ?

席里柯(Theodore GeRicault)(法国人)


席里柯(Theodore GeRicault)(法国人)
1816年7月,法国政府的巡洋舰“梅杜萨号”载着400多位乘客,其中有官吏和士兵,开往非洲塞内加尔,途经西非海岸的布朗海岬南面时不慎搁浅,造成了惨重的灾祸。船长肖马雷原是一个贵族,对航海知识一窍不通。上船后,他玩忽职守,把随行的小船撇得远远的,主舰单放前进。主舰在驶近毛里塔尼亚浅滩时,陷入了不能自拔的沙碛。经过两天混乱而无效的努力,只好弃船。船长却和一群高级官员乘救生船逃命了,剩下150多名乘客被抛在临时搭制成的一只木筏上,让他们在汪洋大海里听凭命运摆布。几天过去了,在饥渴和酷暑的折磨下,许多人开始绝望,他们说胡话,肆意做一些歇斯底里的事。面包师深信没有获救的可能,投入大海中自杀了,还有一些人撬开酒桶,灌醉自己,企图忘却死亡的痛苦。不久,这种绝望的情绪越来越疯狂,一些人砍断缆绳,妄图让所有人一块完蛋。另一些人去拦阻,于是爆发一场激烈的搏斗。有个叫多米尼克的机械工参加暴乱被扔进海里后,哀嚎着求救。工程师可怜他,跳下水抓住他的头发,将他拖回木筏上。但不几天,这个忘恩负义的家伙,又加入第二次暴动中。经过三次暴乱和平息后,木筏上尸体横布。又过了几天,食物和水的短缺变成了更大的威胁,两个黑人士兵饥渴到极点,于是违反规定,将最后一桶酒剜个洞用吸管偷喝,暴露后,被人无情地扔进大海里。有些人把刺刀弯成大鱼钩,希望可以钓鲨鱼。但鲨鱼咬住后一扯,鱼钩又变成笔直的刺刀了。经过这番折腾,木筏漫上许多海水,一些受伤的人的伤口被咸水浸泡,惨叫不绝。最后,木筏上仅剩下27个人了,其中15个还能支撑一段时间,其余12人,受伤太重,神志不清,不大可能熬下去了。而且食品不足以维持所有的人,有些人甚至开始偷偷啃噬刚死去同伴的手肘了,于是那15 个人经过辩论,终于做出一个决定,把那些在三次反暴乱斗争中和他们并肩作战、甚至救护过自己的伤病员,统统抛进大海!


Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his paining of people Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people Who was the painter that studied dead people to improve his painting of peopl.e Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his pinting of people Who Thank you 以下分别是哪三位科学家Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened? Eilen was a painter of birds and of nature,who,for some reason ,had withdrawn from all human society who was the the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 选择where .which two whi 英语翻译The painter who wise discernment can separate all these characteristics shaal cling to statues closely.前半句明白,连起来翻译啥意思啊.The painter who wise discernment can separate all these characteristics shaal cling to stat Who's the ____ of the cartoon?A:Who's the ____ of the cartoon?B:Japanese cartoonist Fujiko Efu Fujio.A.writer B.painter 英语翻译Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881.His father was a painter and art teacher who gave his son the first lesson in drawing.He won a prize—Science and Charityfor his first important painting when he was only fifteen.He studied in se into the bargain什么意思比如说.She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain. 有关于英语的定语从句的问题,具体在问题补充,定语从句中的关系代词who,whom,whose的用法我很不清楚,可不可以用浅显的语言透彻的和我说明一下.比如说The man who was here yesterday is a painter.I know t Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature,_______,for some reason ,had withdrawn from all humanA,which B,who C,where D,whom 英语翻译Most painters discover a style of painting that suits them and stick to that,especially if people admire their pictures.But Picasso,the great Spanish painter,was like a man who had not yet found his own particular style of painting.He kep who was the ____of the high jump The town _______ we visited last month is the one _______ the famous painter was born.A.where; which B.which; where C.which; that D.where; where