英语翻译这个检查结果和其他医院一样都是正常的.This check result is normally which is same with other hospital.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:59:39
英语翻译这个检查结果和其他医院一样都是正常的.This check result is normally which is same with other hospital.
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英语翻译这个检查结果和其他医院一样都是正常的.This check result is normally which is same with other hospital.
This check result is normally which is same with other hospital.

英语翻译这个检查结果和其他医院一样都是正常的.This check result is normally which is same with other hospital.
这个句子不需要从句:This check result is normally same as (that from) other hospital.

这个不需要从句的啊,直接用same as就行,但是注意不能用same with

This check result is normally the same to the another hospital

Dear teacher:Hello! Time flies, I was a student in grade six. Since you _ _ _ in sixth grade, your only is my teacher, is a world that holds all respected engineers of souls.Teacher, you have in the s...


Dear teacher:Hello! Time flies, I was a student in grade six. Since you _ _ _ in sixth grade, your only is my teacher, is a world that holds all respected engineers of souls.Teacher, you have in the sacred seven feet platform, sprinkle your sweat drops, Teacher, your kind of education we had, Teacher, you have many world Olympic graduating class! Teacher, you put your life on students, you just like a candle, 365-day-a-year blooming light and heat, The teacher...The teacher, in this class before you, to tell the truth, I composition is not very good, but is your word, changed my thoughts on composition of boring: you said: "really, really composition must thing in life is accumulated from." From now on, I will observe life, I found the since life is also very interesting. For example, after a little joke classmates what ideas, When shopping clothes saw someone in the bargain, Before and after the mood. And I kept as a document, sometimes think don't see to read fast, a person remember hiding in the toilet reading aloud. Plus I learned the composition of the year, the composition is significantly improved. Teacher, I also have the progress of a credit for me, you are a certain foundation.The teacher, September 10 day, many students have sent a gift to thank me, but I didn't send, that is because I know you not wish every year by students every year, but the present hoping to get the best students, because that is the change of students, but also for your work.Teacher, your love, like a stream, the student's heart forever warmth, Teacher, your love, like a burning flame lights up my future study, I'll never forget!The teacher, you were laborious!Wish you:Smooth work smoothly! Mr.Chen 2010.5.25



英语翻译这个检查结果和其他医院一样都是正常的.This check result is normally which is same with other hospital. 河南哪个医院能检查乳酸和丙酮酸啊?!急!在线等! 检查麻烦吗?多长时间能出结果啊? 医院现在有什么仪器检查神经系统和中枢神经正常的仪器?详细说出都是什么检查,什么仪器? 我在医院做的PCR检查UU 和CT都是阴性 我是不是没有非淋啊 我的尿道外口总是紧紧沾着 我检查出有前列腺炎 和这个有关系吗?希望高人指点 英语翻译医院的能能检查科 Word2007的拼写和语法,如何适用于其他语言?比如德语,现在输入德语文章,都是红线.如何让这个拼写与语法检查能够检查其他语种,进入其他语种的状态呢? 去医院检查凝血酶原时间(PT)有几项结果 主要INR结果只需要国际标准化值INR和凝血酶原时间PT的结果去医院检查凝血酶原时间(PT)里面就有这两项吧 精子密度低,怎么治疗?本人25岁 和女朋友同居半年(不避孕),却没怀上孩子.所以前段时间去医院检查了.精液检查的结果医生说是精子密度过低 ,其他都正常. 化验结果如下:1 检测分析结 关于艾滋病检查有些医院是抗原/抗体,为什么我的是抗体/抗原定量结果都是小于1,单位都是s/co, 医院检查用LPT检查宫颈脱落细胞 结果为未见明确诊断意义的非典型鳞状上皮细胞asc-us到底什么意思?怎么治年纪较轻,还做了衣原体和支原体检查为阴性,平时有炎症,轻度宫颈糜烂,这个问题是 检查瘦肉精的试条是只有瘦肉精成分才能检查出来的吗?有其他违禁药成分显示结果跟有瘦肉精是一样的吗? 宝宝42天检查什么要带什么东西?今天是产后42天,我带上宝宝去我生孩子的医院检查,我自己检查完了之后我跑到儿科去给宝宝检查,结果他说要我到当地医院去检查这个,气死我了,出院的时候又 尿液检查里的蛋白质是不是指白蛋白?家人最近检查出患有糖尿病(在十二号确诊) 在前天开始有水肿出现,到医院检查后结果显示 蛋白质 +- 这个蛋白质是不是指白蛋白?这是不是糖尿病肾病?而 医院检查说是这个,该怎么治疗比较好? 具体的化疗结果是:(右颈部淋巴结)弥漫大B细胞性淋巴瘤,免疫组化结果:CD20阳性,其他为阴性.CK,CD3,CD15,CD30,CD23,ALK,MPO.爸爸检查出是这个病,请问下各位,病情严重吗?哪里的哪个医院能很好的治疗 对于朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说,这个夜晚和其他的任何一个夜晚一样 英语翻译 求问:染色体45x/47xxx是什么意思?突然在医院检查是这个结果?能不能怀孕了?太急了? 去医院做血常规检查流程是什么?活了20多年了今天才感觉像傻x一样,从小到大没去过医院,去也是小诊所就搞定了,今天去人民医院想做个血常规检查,结果,去了就找不到北了,我对这些大医院看