I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 18:22:49
I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others
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I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others
I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others

I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others
选A,the rest 的意思为“剩下的”,这句话为,A:我做了大部分的工作.B:我会替你做剩下的.

Did I Make The Most of Loving 求英剧唐顿庄园主题曲.Did I Make the Most of Loving You?的mp3 求唐顿庄园did i make the most of loving you的钢琴版, denny and i joined the club.so did most of our classmates did i make the most of loving you 唐顿庄园主题曲 有钢琴版最好发一个啊 求唐顿庄园 did i make the most of loving you (最好是ost)配乐 mp3格式.万分感激 I did the most of work.I will do __ for you.A.the rest B.the other C.another D the others I did give you the most for one thing! Yes,most of them_____young peopleYes,most of them_____young people How did you _____the movie?It was _____.And I_____it very much They ____all very good?The actor ______Liu Dehua.I liked him there.Which actor did you like_____? Sending and reading email has quickly become one of the most popular daily activities around the wo 英语翻译Is it not possible that I may love my country,without hating the natives of other sountries?That I may exert the most heroic bravery ,the most undaunted resolution,in defending its laws and liberty,without despising all the rest of the wo What do you think of the concert?I really enjoy it.I did not expect it was_____wondeiful.A,most B moreC asD very 求详解 What do you think of the concert?I really enjoy it.I did not ex cept it was wonderful Athat BmoreC most Dvery 为什么是A I spent most of the time reading改错I spent most of time reading ---How many apples did you pick when you were on the farm?--- I picked _______ apples than any other student in my class. A. many more B. more much C. the most D. the most of all Most of students in my class come from the countryside.I used to work in a same shop as she did.改错句 这句话啥意思?overtake 作动词表示什么I did not wholly escape the amnesia that overtakes children around the age of 6 but I carried alone with me more of my childhood than,I think,most people do. 翻译: She did most of the talking, if not all of it.