英语连词成段用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 08:58:57
英语连词成段用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右
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英语连词成段用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右
用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右

英语连词成段用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右
You can't play video games until you have done your homework.I will have a visit to your grandparents' home.If you want to buy something ,just tell me now .So i could buy it for you when i came back.And please behave yourself this evening.

The saying goes, "He who stand on the Great Wall is not a real man." I was so excited that I visited the Great Wall with my parents in my holiday. We played games in the tower. How happy we were! We b...


The saying goes, "He who stand on the Great Wall is not a real man." I was so excited that I visited the Great Wall with my parents in my holiday. We played games in the tower. How happy we were! We bought some traditional food after visiting the Great Wall. That evening we went to Zhongshan Park to join a big firework party. To my dissapointment, I must not watch TV until I finish my homework.


试着来一小段: Peter likes to help others. One day, he saw a little girl crying in the middle of the road, which was very dangerous, so

英语连词成段用下面5个词,写一段话,homework,games,visit,buy,evening ,50词左右 英语连词成段用下面5个词写一段文章,50词左右 difficult,fail,spend,help,subject 连词成句,在下面词语中任选3个,发挥想象写一段话,至少有一个比喻句. 涓涓细流 雄鹰 铤而走险 渴望 微风妙不可言 英语连词成段用下列5个词写一段文章 school,activity,learn,thank,beautiful 50词左右 有首DJ 我只记住一段词 大概是:HO HO 来森HO A 呼朋引伴 花枝招展 卖弄 欣欣然 静默 利用下面词语写一段话(至少3个词) 连词成段 用下面的两个词,再用上拟人的修辞手法写一段话 黄昏 唯一 月亮 晚风急!!!!!!快快!!!!!! 英语 连词成段假如你有很多钱,你会用来做什么?用下列 5个 词写一段50 词左右的文章.if,first,house,second,give 请根据下面一段独白内容,写一段80个词左右的短文.我喜欢英语,我想在10年以后当一位英语老师.我要...请根据下面一段独白内容,写一段80个词左右的短文.我喜欢英语,我想在10年以后当一位英 连词成句:运用下面的词语中的3个,围绕人生感悟,至少用一种修辞手法,写一段话,不超过100字词语:稀疏,沉甸甸,回味无穷,心旷神怡,突如其来,迷醉,问心无愧 英语,写一段话 连词造句用跋山涉水、百看不厌、班门弄斧、拔苗助长、安然无恙这5个词连成一段话.可以颠倒 帮我连词成段用这5个词Taddy熊、比熊、摩天轮、旋转木马、蒲公英是一段话,不是一句话 选5个词造句,写一段话 选5个词语写一段话 用 5 个欣赏写一段话 选用下面词语,发挥想象,写一段话.(不少于3个词) 一泻千里,银光闪闪,风平浪静,流连忘返,波光选用下面词语,发挥想象,写一段话.(不少于3个词)一泻千里,银光闪闪,风平浪静,流连忘返,波 用下面的词语挑出5个写一段话 浓郁 悄然 飞翔 缤纷 跃动 晴朗 清爽 寂静 清凉 晶莹