His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 23:13:58
His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day

His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day
His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day

His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day
to speak

(enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事)
to speak
(decide to do 决定做某事)

to speak

He enjoys [ ] his friend on the Internet填空 His friend enjoys (draw)用所给的单词填空 I decided (speak)English every day he enjoys ()with his friends david enjoys playing ( )his friends and collectidavid enjoys playing ( )his friends and collecting( ) a,to,leaf b,with,leaves c,to,leaves d,with,leaf (求解答啊.) His family ( )watching TV.A liked B likes C enjoys D enjoy 哪个正确 Peter is__with all his classmates.A.a friend B.friend C.the friend D.friends .Are you ______?Yes,I am.A.he friend B.his friend C.he's friend D.his friends his,father,singing,enjoys.连词成句 His family ( )watching TV.A liked B likes C enjoys D enjoy 哪个正确A 不对吗 Lin Tao speaks English very well,and( )A so does his friend B so did his friend C so he did D his friend does so Edward with his family...living in China.A,eEdward with his family...living in China.A,enjoy B,enjoys C,want D,wants 18.Peter is ________ with all his classmates.A.a friend B.friend C.the friend D.friends 参考词汇 his friend 辨音()A.enjoys B.calls C.eats D.spends 对S翻译他的妈妈每天吃完晚饭后遛狗His mother ______ ______ _______after supper every day. His family ( )watching TV.A liked B likes C enjoys D enjoy 哪个正确A 不对吗 选A语法没错误啊 28. He enjoys ________ photos, but doesn’t like having his photos __________. A. taking; takenB. to take; taken C. to take; take D. taking; take Ray enjoys his job,although the opportunity to get into computing___quite by accident.a came across b came over c came about d came in理由 1.I have a good friend.( )nam is Tom.( )English.A.He;His B.His;His C.his:His D.His;He's2.Does Linda have a friend?( )A.She has a friend.B.No,She isn't.C.Yes,she has a friend.D.She has not a friend.3.( )Mike like the English corner?N