帮我也修改一篇六级作文吧.In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychologicalProblem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 05:33:50
帮我也修改一篇六级作文吧.In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychologicalProblem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered th
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帮我也修改一篇六级作文吧.In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychologicalProblem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered th
In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychological
Problem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered the development of university students.university students is a huge power that contributes greatly to nation’s economy in the future..so we cannot emphasize the import of university students psychological health to much.
A number of factors account for the problem mentioned above.but the following are the most critical ones.In the first place,it is obvious that some student not get along with classmates or roommates made it hard to keeping psychological health,secondly,there is no doubt that frustrated romantic realationship is play significant role in student’s depression ,in addition.It goes beyond any question that an pressure from job-hunting and study have an bad influence on students psychological health.
from the discussed above ,we can safely draw the conclusion that we should improved our psychological quality so that we can face the challenge rationally,society should pay more attention to university students psychological health that give more forgive and care ,what’more ,university should attached greater important to students psychological health ,for example ,university should provided more oppoutunity for student to learn some psychological knowledge.

帮我也修改一篇六级作文吧.In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychologicalProblem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered th
In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychological
Problem are more and more common among university students.
不知道你得problem为什么要大写,害我半天都不知道怎么断句,哈哈.首先,我觉得in society听起来有点奇怪.嗯.我觉得have be becoming有点罗嗦,have become就可以说出你的意思了.Phenomenon应该用复数phenomena,problem也应该是复数.该成:In today’s society, we have become increasingly aware of phenomena that psychological problems are more and more common among university students.
the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered the development of university students.
university students is a huge power that contributes greatly to nation’s economy in the future. so we cannot emphasize the import of university students psychological health to much.
这两句话应该并作一句话,确切地说,中间的句号应该用分号.英文中标点符号的使用相当严格,要小心.前半句中huge power和greatly感觉上有点重复.后半句我不太明白你要说什么.字面上讲,你在说“大学生是贡献国家经济的强大力量,所以我们不能再过于强调大学生心理健康”.好像跟你文章内容不太一致,你检查一下吧.还有几处显而易见的错误.Important是形容词,应该用importance;不是to much,而是too much.嗯.那你先把这句话的意思改了,我改次帮你再看语法吧.嗯.对了,还有,尽量不要用so,看起来比较小儿科.用therefore\ thus\ as a result之类的比较好.

A number of factors account for the problem mentioned above.but the following are the most critical ones.
A number of factors can account for (或者用can be attributed to,你自己选咯) the problem mentioned above, but the followings are the more critical ones.
In the first place,it is obvious that some student not get along with classmates or roommates made it hard to keeping psychological health,secondly,there is no doubt that frustrated romantic realationship is play significant role in student’s depression ,in addition. It goes beyond any question that an pressure from job-hunting and study have an bad influence on students psychological health.
Firstly, it is obvious that some students do not get along with their classmates or roommates and this makes it extremely hard for such student to maintain their psychological health. Secondly, there is no doubt that frustrated relationship is playing a significant role in developing depression. In addition, It goes beyond any question that pressure from job-hunting and studies have bad influences (或者说negative impacts) on students’ psychological health.
主要是注意一下标点.是根据你的意思、我自己的断句写的,希望我没有理解错你的意思.有问题再问吧.顺便问一下,什么叫做“frustrated relationship”?我没听过着种说法啦,如果你要说“叫人心烦的关系”,应该用frustrating,而不是frustrated. 但是frustrate又有“使无效”的意思,所以frustrated relationship也可以理解做“已经无效了的关系”.所以你自己看着办吧.
from the discussed above ,we can safely draw the conclusion that we should improved our psychological quality so that we can face the challenge rationally,
这里应该用句号,这个句子完结了.from the discussed above 语法上没什么错误,就是听起来有点unprofessional,我建议用having discussed the above.the challenge中,首先,不应该用the,因为你并没有再强调某一个challenge,所以不应该用定冠词,建议使用future challenges. 所以句子改成:Having discussed the above ,we can safely draw the conclusion that we should improved our psychological quality so that we can face future challenges rationally.
但是还有几个问题,第一,“psychological quality”很vague,应该更具体一点,不过这个不重要.另外,从上面的文章来看,你一直使用第三人称“university students”,并未有表示你本人是大学生中的一员.而现在你忽然用“we”,感觉上有点突然.我觉得,可以在“A number of factors account for the problem mentioned above.but the following are the most critical ones.”之前加上“As a university student, I notice that……”
society should pay more attention to university students psychological health that give more forgive and care ,what’more ,university should attached greater important to students psychological health ,for example ,university should provided more oppoutunity for student to learn some psychological knowledge.
Thus, society should pay more attention to university students’ psychological health by forgiving and taking care(怎么都觉得有点奇怪,社会应该放更多的注意力在学生的心理健康上by原谅与照顾?); moreover, universities should attach greater importance to students’ psychological health by ,for example , providing more opportunities for students to learn some psychology knowledge.

帮我也修改一篇六级作文吧.In society we have been becoming increasingly aware of phenomenon that psychologicalProblem are more and more common among university students.the problem is becoming so widespread that it has severely hindered th 你帮我修改一篇作文好不好.求求你了! 你能帮我修改一篇作文吗?求求你! 英语六级作文修改是新东方的全真六级模拟卷.大概的说下我的英语写作水平吧;四级74分,六级70分.都是套用模板做的.现在我不用模板看看写的怎么样.高手实话跟我说,也帮我改改.谢谢! awa 你能不能帮我修改一篇作文?我求求你了! 你能帮我修改一篇作文么?求求你了! 也帮我写一篇学包粽子作文吧!急! 帮我写一篇作文吧? 帮我写一篇英语作文吧 帮我修改下英语作文 高手帮我修改英语作文, 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 怎么检查六级作文作文写完后,我该如何修改检查啊 求高手修改一下我刚写的一篇2009年6月的英语六级作文,09年6月的六级作文题是:  1有人认为名字很重要  2也有人认为无关紧要,  3我认为The Inprotance Of a nameIn recent years,the topic of the inp 急!四级快到了!求帮忙修改一篇四级英语作文吧!感激不尽!这是我写的一篇四级英语作文,求高人帮我看一下,帮我找出其中写错的地方和表达不够地道或准确的地方,总之就是找出你不满意的地 作文帮我写一篇 帮我写一篇作文 帮我写一篇作文