
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 12:57:31
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China,the world's most popular country of 1.3 billion people.The official rate of HIV effection is only 0.1 percent.So why it's we are talking about?Becuase it is concentrate on such groups of people including men who have sex with men,drug users,ethnic minorities.These populations are particularly over risk,because there are already statements adds by societies.This leads to lack of education,health care,and open discussion about the issue,all of which make it's easier for them to contract HIV.According to a 2008 servey,48 percent of people believed they can get HIV from mosquito bite.About half wouldn't be willing to eat with someone HIV positive.30 percent thought their children shouldn't attend the same school as children with HIV.And about a third believe that both and the HIV positive deserve their condition.这个是我听了四十多分钟听出来的.!

China-----the world's most popular country of 1.3 billion people.

The offical rate of HIV affection is only 0.1%. so why worth talking about it?
because it concerned among some groups o...


China-----the world's most popular country of 1.3 billion people.

The offical rate of HIV affection is only 0.1%. so why worth talking about it?
because it concerned among some groups of people incluing men having sex with men, drug users, ethnic minorities.
These populations are particularlly at risk because they are already stigmatized by society.
This leads to a lack of education, health care, and open discussion about the issue, all of which makes it easier for them to contract HIV.

According to a 2008 survey,48% of people believe they can get HIV from a mosquito bite; about half wouldn't be willing to eat with some one HIV positive; 30% thought their children shouldn't attend the same schools as children with HIV;and about 1/3 believe that (没听出来)HIV positive deserve their condition.

然后 视频里面就有字了。。。


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