xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:06:21
xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well
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xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well
xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well

xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well
选B.if not better than:如果不比小刘好,在这里是插入语成分,可以删去不看,对句子主干没有影响.这样,题干就变成了Xiao mao plays football as well as xiaoliu.(小毛踢足球和小刘一样好).将选项B代入题干,可以翻译为:小毛踢足球如果不比小刘好的话,那也是和他一样好.

as well 最好还是
as 。。。 as跟。。。一样,不可拆分使用

xiao mao xiao mao plays football_,if not better than,xiaoliu.A as well B as well as C so well Xiao mao likes sports ,so does Xiao Ming .同义句 _______ _________ Xiao Mao ________ __________Xiao mao likes sports ,so does Xiao Ming .同义句_______ _________ Xiao Mao ________ __________xiao ming _______ sports. 改为同义句 Xiao Mao likes spors,so does Xiao Ming.___ ___Xiao Mao ___ ___Xiao Ming ___ sports. 根据首字母填空 He ( c )the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao. Mr.Black c__ the two boys da mao and xiao mao Xiao Mao and Da mao are in ( ) A the team four B team four 为什么选B不选A ni xiang san mao.zhe shi ni de tian fu ma xiao ting 1.When she comes here,I'll tell you____ ____ ____ she arrives (改写句子)2.Do you agree with my words?Do you agree with ____ ____ ____?(同义句转换)3.Xiao Mao likes sports,so does Xiao Ming.____ ____ Xiao Mao ____ ____ Xiao Ming ____ sports.( 猫叫“mao mao? da gong ji ,you li mao,jian le tai yang jiu wen hao.tai yang gong gong mi mi xiao,jiang ta yi ding da hong mao.找出儿歌中含有复韵母的音节 MAO怎么样 Jin Mao 英语同义句转换和动词填空1.We always play together.We play together ____ ____ _____.2.Simon plays football every Monday and Wednesday.Simon plays football _____ ______and_______.动词填空1.We are looking forward to ______(win) the footb 请英语专家帮忙起个英文名我的中文名全拼为Mao Xiao feng,请英语专家帮忙取个合适的英文名.不好意思,是男性。最好能跟中文名字差不太远。 时mao的mao怎样写 广mao深邃的mao怎么写? 从未mao面 mao怎么写