写出下列相对应的答语.1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 06:41:28
写出下列相对应的答语.1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new?
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写出下列相对应的答语.1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new?
1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new?

写出下列相对应的答语.1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new?



I'm doing okay. And you?

Not much. How about you?

Oh, nothing much. Anything happening with you?

Still kicking, I think. And with you?

1、Hello,how are you doing today?
Hi, I am doing very well, How are you?#
2、Hey,what's going on?
We have had a bad luck and our car was hit by that tractor, the police is doing the recordin...


1、Hello,how are you doing today?
Hi, I am doing very well, How are you?#
2、Hey,what's going on?
We have had a bad luck and our car was hit by that tractor, the police is doing the recording.
3、Hey,what's up,buddy?
Mike Laws is coming to visit our school tonight.
4、What's new?
Our club has just lost the first match against Liverpool.


写出下列相对应的答语.1、Hello,how are you doing today?2、Hey,what's going on?3、Hey,what's up,buddy?4、What's new? 英语在线翻译相对应的答语whereisit 写出与下列离子方程式相对应的化学方程式2H+ +Co3 2- =H2O + CO2 气体间号 从二栏中选出与一栏相对应的答语 从二栏中找出与一栏相对应的答语 Good,evening写出应答语 写出下列离子方程式相对应的化学方程式(高一)2H+ + CaCO3=Ca2+ + H2O + CO2↑Cu2+ + Fe=Fe2+ + Cu 写出下列离子方程式相对应的化学方程式写出下列离子方程式相对应的化学方程式Cu2+ + 2OH- =Cu(OH)2↓H+ + OH- = H2O2H+ + CaCO3 = CA2+ +H2O + CO2↑2H+ +CO2-3(3个氧 +2价) = H2O + CO2↑Cu2+ +Fe = Fe2+ +Cu希望大家 写出下列褒义词相对应的贬义词 (1)雄心壮志( )(2)神采奕奕( )(3)一见如故( ) (4)画龙点睛写出下列褒义词相对应的贬义词 (1)雄心壮志( )(2)神采奕奕( )(3)一见 写出下列单词相对应的复数形式.(1)this_____ (2)that____ (3)he/she_____ (6)friend_____ 写出与下列离子方程式相对应的化学方程式CU2+ +2OH-=CU(OH)2↓ H+ +OH-=H2O2H+ +CACO3=CA2+ +H2O+CO2↑2H+CO32-=H2O+CO2↑CU2+ +FE=FE2+ +CU 写出下列句子的答语或问句1.Hello!l'm Bob.Hi!My _____ is Helen.2.Good afternoon,Helen.----------,Bob.3.How are you ---------------.4.Hi,l'm Meimei.Hi,_____ Frank.5.______?l'm OK. 从B栏中选出与A栏中句子相对应的答语 写出下列词语相对应的贬义词 雄心壮志{ } 神采奕奕{ }一见如故{      }画龙点睛{   } 写出下列历史故事相对应的人物名字.例:背水一战 根据下列诗文写出相对应的人物 此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠.昔时人已没,今日水犹寒 写出离子方程式相对应的化学方程式. 写出成语相对应的题目