就是四个人(两男两女)对话 要有连贯性 讲得是关于喜欢吃的东西 最好有创意性啦!后天就要用类

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:18:27
就是四个人(两男两女)对话 要有连贯性 讲得是关于喜欢吃的东西 最好有创意性啦!后天就要用类
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就是四个人(两男两女)对话 要有连贯性 讲得是关于喜欢吃的东西 最好有创意性啦!后天就要用类
就是四个人(两男两女)对话 要有连贯性 讲得是关于喜欢吃的东西 最好有创意性啦!后天就要用类

就是四个人(两男两女)对话 要有连贯性 讲得是关于喜欢吃的东西 最好有创意性啦!后天就要用类
(39)At Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐馆
Fast food restaurants are popular in the United States for quick,inexpensive meals or snacks.You order your food and take it to a table yourself.If you order your food "to go",you take it out of the restaurant.Tipping is not necessary in this kind of restaurant.
1.A:What would you like to eat?
B:I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato.
A:How about something to drink?
B:A Coke,please.
A:OK.I'll see if I can get waited on.
2.A:What do you want?
B:I think I'll have a piece of apple pie.
A:Do you want something to drink?
B:Coffee would be fine.
A:OK.Sit down and I'll get it.
3.A:What are you going to have?
B:I'll try a steak sandwich.
A:Can I get you anything to drink?
B:Yes,I'd like a chocolate shake.
A:That sounds good.I think I'll have the same.
4.A:What can I get you?
B:A cheeseburger and an order of french fries would be great.
A:Would you like anything to drink?
B:I feel like having a Coke.
A:That's a good idea.I think I'll join you.
(38)At Dinner 吃晚餐
Dinner time varies somewhat in the United States.In small towns it may be as early as 5:00,while in large cities it may be as late as 9:00.It's best to call for a reservation in expensive or well-known restaurants.
1.A:Would you like to order now?
B:Yes.I'll have the shrimp cocktail to start.
A:What would you like for your main course?
B:I'll have a sirloin steak,medium rare.
2.A:May I take your order?
B:Yes.I'd like a cup of onion soup.
A:And what would you like after that?
B:I'd like the roast chicken,please.
3.A:Are you ready to order?
B:Yes.I'll have the fresh fruit cocktail.
A:And for your entree?
B:I think I'll try the broiled sole.
4.A:Have you decided what you'd like?
B:Yes.First I'll have tomato juice.
A:And then?
B:I'll have the lamb chops,well-done,please.
(37)At Lunch 吃午餐
Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00.Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada.
1.A:Please have another sandwich.
B:Thank you,but I really can't eat any more.
A:You're going to have dessert,aren't you?
B:Well,I'll join you if you're having something.
2.A:You'll finish the chicken,won't you?
B:No,thank you.I'm trying to cut down.
A:Aren't you going to have dessert?
B:No,thank you.I just can't eat any more.
3.A:Would you like some more soup?
B:No,thank you.It's delicious,but I've had enough.
A:Would you like soem dessert?
B:Well,maybe I'll have just a small piece of pie.
4.A:Can't you eat the rest of the salad?
B:No,thanks.I'm supposed to be on a diet.
A:Why don't we have something for dessert?
B:I really shouldn't,but I'll have a little ice cream.