5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:57:22
5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒
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5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒
童话什么都可以 形式不限...

同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒

5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒

北京西城实验学校初一奥运英语短剧剧本 :
Beijing is ready for the Olympics
(A peddler, Mary, Diana and Yangyang)
(In a free market)
小贩: Look look, see see. You say how much is how much.
Mary: What d...


北京西城实验学校初一奥运英语短剧剧本 :
Beijing is ready for the Olympics
(A peddler, Mary, Diana and Yangyang)
(In a free market)
小贩: Look look, see see. You say how much is how much.
Mary: What did she mean?
Diana:I don’t know. Let me ask her. Hey, What did you say?
小贩: Wh………What? I can’t say English good.
Diana:How strange she is. I think she doesn’t speak English. She speaks some foreign language, but not Chinese.
Mary: I think so too. Let’s go away!
Yang: Wait a moment! I think the peddler DID speak English, but she can’t speak very well. Let me be your interpreter, OK?
Mary: Good! Then I can understand what she just said.
Yang: 你刚才想对这位外国人说什么?
小贩: 我就是想让她买我的东西啊!
Yang: She wants you to buy her things.
Diana: Oh! What does she have?
Yang: 她问你,你有什么?
小贩: 一些中国的折伞。Chinese umbrella. Red. Beautiful!
Diana: Good! I’m looking for them! Do you have some other colors?
Yang: Oh. Red is really wonderful. Do you know Chinese color?
Mary: No.
Yang: It’s Red. Because red means good luck.
Yang: What color is fire?
Mary: Red.
Yang: Yes. In China, people believe fire can sweep away bad luck, so, red means good luck.
Diana: Oh, interesting. OK, I want this red one. How much is it?
小贩: 这句我明白了。Fifteen yuan.
Diana: That’s very cheap! I’ll buy it. Here is the money.
小贩: And, your umbrella!
Diana: Thank you.
Mary: Thank you for translating for us! Can you tell us your name please?
Yang: You are welcome! My name is Yangyang. Bye-bye!
Diana & Mary: See you.

Mary: That little student, Yangyang, really helped us a lot.
Diana: Yes! And I think Chinese people really changed a lot. They can speak English! Wow! That’s amazing!
Mary: They are ready for the 2008 Olympics.
Diana: I agree with you.

(A month later, in the Summer Palace)
小贩: Look at the Five Friendlies. They are so lovely.
Yang: Hey, yes, they are! Glad to meet you! Your English changed a lot. What did you do?
小贩: I have been studying English since the day I met you in the market.
Yang: I think now you have more buyers, right?
小贩: Yes. Because they can understand me!
Yang: Ha! That’s what I thought!
小贩: Everyone is preparing for the 2008 Olympic Games. And so am I. If I don’t study English, fewer people will buy my goods in 2008. I think that speaking English is full of fun. It’s not hard and it’s very useful.
Yang: If you don’t forget how to speak Chinese, then everything is fine!
小贩: Well, to tell you the truth. I DO forget how to speak Chinese!
Yang: What?! Are you kidding?
小贩: Yes, I am just joking. I won’t forget how to speak my native language.

Diana: Look! Who is the student?
Mary: That’s our interpreter, Yangyang. Let’s say hello to her.
Diana: Hello, Yangyang, our interpreter! Do you remember us?
Yang: Oh, yes! We met in the free market that day! How nice to see you again! How are you?
Mary: We are fine, thank you! What are you doing here?
Yang: I’m just walking and enjoying the sun in the beautiful park.
Diana: Oh, great! We are going to have a picnic here. Would you like to join us?
Yang: Yes, of course! Let’s go.

Yang: This is a good place for a picnic. Shall we sit here?
Diana: Yeah, good idea!
Yang: Wow! We’ve got many delicious foods!
Mary: Let’s enjoy them!
Diana: Can the peddler speak English now?
Yang: Yeah. And now her English is excellent.
Diana: Really? I think Chinese are really good at learning a new language.
Yang: You’re over praising us. Thank you.
Mary: Look at that! What’s that flying? Is it a beautiful swallow?
Yang: It is not a swallow, but it’s a kite of swallow!
Diana: Oh, God! I thought it was a real swallow too!
Yang: People in Beijing love swallow kites! Do you know the Five Friendlies of 2008 Beijing Olympics? Swallow is one of them.
Mary: Yeah! I love the Five Friendlies! They are so cute!
Diana: How beautiful the swallow kite is! And how blue and clear the sky is!
Yang: The sky of Beijing is getting bluer and clearer and the air is becoming better and better! You know before there were even sandstorms in Beijing!
Mary: Sandstorms are terrible! And I remember Beijing was also known for its polluted rivers.
Yang: That was true, but the government has been doing a lot to improve the environment in Beijing. Rivers are cleaned and lots of grass and trees and flowers are planted in the city.
Diana: Yeah, Beijing has changed greatly these years and that’s why we can enjoy the picnic with the beautiful environment here!
Mary: Beijing is ready for the Olympics! I really want to buy the Five Friendlies as the souvenir.
Yang: The peddler has! We can go to the peddler to have a look at the Five Friendlies. He is just over there.
Diana: Ok, let’s take everything and go!

小贩: Hello! Have a look at the Five Friendlies!
Mary: Hello! Thank you! Is this green baby a panda?
小贩: Yes! He is Jingjing. He is the national animal of China. He lives in the green forest and he brings peace and happiness to the world.
Diana: I love him! And this must be a lovely antelope who is always fast and active!
Yang: You are right! His name is Yingying. Look at the fish, Beibei! You know, in Chinese culture, fish means a good harvest and it’s a symbol of a good year and a good life.
Mary: Interesting! Oh, I know this one! It’s fire! Red fire! The Chinese color, you told me last time! He can bring the world good luck!
小贩: The fire’s name is Huanhuan. And also look at the swallow Nini flying in the sky! When you put the names of the Five Friendlies together–Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni–they say “Welcome to Beijing”.
Diana: Wow! Wonderful idea!
Mary: I’ll buy them! How much are they?
小贩: 350 yuan.
Mary: Here you are! Thank you!

(Together): Beijing is ready for the Olympics! Welcome to Beijing!


急求英语短剧剧本 有关家庭琐的 5个人中学水平 谁有5个人的英语短剧剧本 英语短剧剧本两个人 急寻家庭幽默英文短剧剧本,10分钟内5个人演,非常急! 高中生适演的英语短剧剧本 适合6个人演的8-10分钟的英语短剧剧本谢 5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒 初二英语短剧剧本 4人的 急 急寻英语短剧剧本,6个人演,去外国朋友家做客.如提,不要太长五分钟 急求一个6人演的英语短剧剧本英语课SHORT PLAY..急寻啊,.. 大学英语短剧剧本(急~)首先,短剧其次,英文再次,大学水平的最后,趣味性 大学老师要让我们演一个英语短剧,5分钟左右,三个人演的,是幽默的最好.哪位大哥大姐有好的剧本,必有厚 求英语短剧剧本啊!要五六分钟左右,5个人的,最好是电影节选最好是搞笑的,越快越好, 5人的英语短剧剧本初3的 找英语幽默短剧剧本外教让拍个英语小短剧,四个人演的,2--4分钟, 急求初中英语的小短剧剧本急寻一个英语小短剧剧本 初中水平 大概有8个角色左右 长短在5,6分钟 拒绝冷笑话 剧本最好是中英双语谢谢!快一点 提供一个英语小短剧最好是有点意思,搞笑,要求:初一的剧本,最好是6个人左右来演的剧本单词不能超过初一学的 5个人演的英语短剧三男两女,感激不尽~