初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:12:51
初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan
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初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan
1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.
2.Which subject are you good at?
3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?
4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)
5.Your parents plan to go sighting on weekends,but you want to prepare for the coming test.What would you say to them?
6.WHAT DO YOU OFTEN HAVE For breakfast?
It's a fine day.What about going mountain climbing?
7.You look tired,why not rest for a while?
8.Mum ,i failed my English wxam last week.What should I do?
9.How do you know whether your teacher has agreed on your ieads or not?
10.Detective stories are my favourite.What kind of books would you like to read?
11.I lost my wallet yesterday on my way home.
12.How often do you eat in McDonald?
13.The lady has never cut her hair since she was born.
14.Ma Long has won the table tennis match in Guangzhou Asian Games.
尽量不要太复杂 可以的话多作几句加分

初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan
1.It doesn't matter,bring it tomorrow没关系,明天带来吧
2.All the same都一样
3.I prefer a more realistic我更喜欢现实一点的
4.It's sunny today今天天气晴朗 Today is cloudy今天是阴天
5.Sorry,I have to review the lessons,etc after exams I can go with you 对不起,我要复习功课,等考试后我再和你们一起去
6.I usually eat bread and milk for breakfast我一般早餐吃面包和牛奶
Good idea好主意
7.It doesn't matter,I'm used to it没关系,我习惯了
8.It doesn't matter,but must summary reason,strive for test next time没关系,但一定要总结原因,争取下次考好
9.Internet inquiries上网查询
10.I like science fiction我喜欢科幻小说
11.I expressed sympathy我表示同情
12.Once a week每周一次
13.No wonder she's hair so long难怪她的头发这么长
14.He was fantastic他太棒了

...... 2006年初三英语口语测试模拟试卷(学生用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(10分)Banks keep money safe, and they also make monkey for themselves ...初三英语试卷,初三化学试卷...... 2006年初三英语口语测试模拟试卷(学生用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下...


...... 2006年初三英语口语测试模拟试卷(学生用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(10分)Banks keep money safe, and they also make monkey for themselves ...初三英语试卷,初三化学试卷...... 2006年初三英语口语测试模拟试卷(学生用)一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(10分)Banks keep money safe, and they also make monkey for themselves ...



I am very so sorry so sorry my best friendasdsad I will go to work ,so I am very heppy! I am very hungry,so i am feeling weak.同义句 I am ( )hungry( )i am feeling weak. the world is very big,but i am so small I am very tried after doing so much work 改错 ----I am very quiet in my class.--------__ A So are you B So am I C So John is I find it very important to learn English well.A.So I am B.So do I C.So I do D.So am I ----I like music very much----_____A So do I B So am I C So I am D So I do 英语口语中I am in I am so boring very much at home.where i miss you very much 怎样翻译 初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan 初三英语口语1.I am very sorry for leaving my Chinese homework at home,sir.2.Which subject are you good at?3.I think that science fiction is exciting.What about you?4.What's the weather like today?(阴天和晴天各作一句)5.Your parents plan I am very vexed,I am very 填空My P .E.teacher is very ( )with us.So i am very ( )after class. 英语难题~help me!三.模仿例句改写下面句子.例如:I am very young.I am younger than you are.I am the youngest in the class.1.I am very old.2.I am very tall.3.I am very lazy.4.I am very heavy.5.I am very lucky.6.I am very fat.7.I am very So I am f_ with him very much.填词He and I are best friends,So I am f_ with him very much I am very i am very