英语后置定语选择题He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:44:28
英语后置定语选择题He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语.
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英语后置定语选择题He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语.
He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.
这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语.

英语后置定语选择题He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语.
in his family在这里是介词短语作状语,表示范围.意思是,经历那场地震后,在他家里,只有他一个人还活着.

living in his family感觉很奇怪


He is the only survive (that is) alive in his family after the earthquake.
alive 和 living 都是形容词, 都有“活着的”的意思,但一般alive 做表语,living一般放在被修饰词的前面做定语。

alive 强调生存下来的,活着的
living 强调活泼的,生动的;生气勃勃的

只能说中国语法脑残。你真的和外国人口语说大家都懂。没什么区别。字面Alive 比较贴切实情

这里的ALIVE 表示的是健在的;安然无恙的意思。


这里考察的是alive和living 的细微区别。其实还有个词lived也表示活着的意思。如short-lived,短命的。

alive通常作放在名词或者代词的后面做定语,放在系动词后面做表语,如stay alive 依然活着。

living放在名词的前面定语,多数强调的是动物,如 the only living fish 。该题就是alive做后置定语。...


这里考察的是alive和living 的细微区别。其实还有个词lived也表示活着的意思。如short-lived,短命的。

alive通常作放在名词或者代词的后面做定语,放在系动词后面做表语,如stay alive 依然活着。

living放在名词的前面定语,多数强调的是动物,如 the only living fish 。该题就是alive做后置定语。



alive是表语形容词 例如:she is still alive. 这是 主系表 结构

检举|2012-9-25 21:47提问者: 756289057lxy|悬赏分:5|浏览次数:39次
He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊。把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语...


检举|2012-9-25 21:47提问者: 756289057lxy|悬赏分:5|浏览次数:39次
He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊。把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语。
He is the only suvivor alive in his family after the earthquake.= He is the only suvivor who is alive in his family after the earthquake.
译:他是他们家地震之后那个唯一的还活着的(有口气的,还在人世的,没有死的) 幸存者。
评:其实这个alive也是多余的,为出题目加上去的,因为suvivor本身就已经含有大难不死还活着的意思。如将suvivor改为person,这句话就比较好。这样,alive与in his family都是后置定语。他们家的,地震后还活着的就他一人。
而He is the only suvivor living in his family after the earthquake.= He is the only suvivor who is living in his family after the earthquake.
析:与单个词作后置定语的表语形容词alive不同,living 是由动词live变来的一个现在分词,作形容词用时是普通形容词,单个作定语要前置,如living things, a living man.
而本句中是现在分词短语living in his family 作后置定语,=who is living in his family. 意为“正与他的家人一起生活的”,显然与本意不符。本意想告诉大家的是,在地震中,他所有的家人全死了。既然全死了,他现在怎么还可能:He is living in his family呢?


living 一般作前置定语,表示活着的...东西

英语后置定语选择题He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语. 英语:什么是后置定语? 用过去分词做后置定语和现在分词做后置定语有什么区别 The boy is called Michael.He is a basketball fan. =The boy ____Michael is a basketball fan. 英语分词作后置定语的疑问He is the only survivor ____ in his family after the earthquake.这个空的正确答案是alive,但是我认为living也可以啊.把living in his family作为survivor的后置定语. 定语后置用英语怎么说 后置定语用英语怎么说? 改错:He is sleeping with the door opened.答案是opened-open.opened不是在句中作后置定语吗?为什么错 英语的后置定语原句:He is only three ,and he can't drees himself.翻译:他只有三岁,不会自己穿衣服.现在我把这个句子改成:He is only three can't dress himself用 is only three 来做后置定语修饰主语He ,不知 He is a【泛指】man【表语】of many talent【后置定语】这样分析正确吗 英语中,哪些形容词 既可以作前置定语 又可以 作后置定语且意思不同?比如:形容词responsible,①作前置定语:可信赖的;可靠的He is a responsible man .他是一个可以信赖的人.②作后置定语:有责 He lives happily in the host family ,with everything prvided.这里的prvided为什么作后置定语,一般什么情况下作后置定语 There is a book on the desk.中的on the desk是状语还是后置定语 英语的这句话可以用后置定语么?After seven hours' climbing,we arrived at the top of the mountain,【后置定语from which】we can see the whole city.这题其实是一道选择题,共有4个选项,分别是from which,which,that,from whe 形容词做定语后置Tom is the only man suitable for the job.的 定语 是什么 后置在哪?补充:书上是说这个句子里的形容词短语做定语时后置 可是suitable 又不是短语啊。 形容词短语可以作后置定语吗?Your son Mike is sitting in his bedroom doing his homework naked as the day he was born.(出自美剧《家庭战争》)请问英语高手,这个naked as the day he was born,充当的是什么成分,是种什 定语后置 状语后置 英语后置定语The flowers _____attractive drew people to the beauty of nature looking 还是looked 我把同位语和后置定语搞混了,看下面两个句子He,short and thin,is unfit for the job. He is like a puppy,very gentle.你看看,是不是很像呢?我被他们搞混了,到底是后置定语还是同位语?哪个是同位语哪个是